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Any Amir From The Golf to Joint,???
26 June 2006 02:36
is any Amir going to joint this:
Buffett to give away billions

26 June 2006 08:59
I doubt it, but do we even know how much these Imara are worth ? I've never seen any figures published regarding their fortune. We don't ask that they give away their money, at the very least, if they could initiate huge programs in their countries to pull themselves from this oil revenues dependence. When oil runs out, what then ? The only one in the area being smart about this, is Dubaï. The rest of them are like rich kids eating away at their inheritance until one day the banker comes knocking at the door for foreclosure.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2006 05:26 by chelhman.
26 June 2006 16:47
I can’t put it better than you did, bro. but i find it amazing each time I read about these rich Americans who die living fortunes to universities where they studied, hospitals where they received care or even to parks where they ones played as kids, to me this is one huge picture of RADOU AL JAMIL, but in the case of buffet, known for his hard work, sharp vision and good prediction of world market and economy, to come today and chose one of his competitors, Bill Gates in this case, to take all his money and use it to help the poor and eradicate diseases is just beyond any description for me.
Long time ago we talked about why rich Arabs don’t give in big way, I guess it was in the French forum, and some answered by saying it’s because in Islam when we give we shouldn’t talk about it, yes I know that, well I have to tell you, I personally would pay to know about any rich Arab who give 37 billions dollars to save children in Africa. I’m sure Allah will give them their hassanates even if they tell us about it, I believe we don’t hear about it simply because it doesn’t exist.
Sooner or later the oil is going to run out, and the knocking at the door for foreclosures, as you well put it, is going to wake many from their sleep or chekhir. The desert will still be desert, the buildings and palaces will not turn into chocolate and the sands will not become couscous.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2006 12:46 by Almot.
27 June 2006 10:33
Dear Almot, dear Chelhman
There is a big difference between Buffet and and Amir.Buffet worked hard to make his money so he has this great feeling of being able to give his own money to help. He went through a learning process of working hard to make money by taking hard decisions. He is also able to take hard decisions in giving money to help others. What a wonderfull life by having this feeling of achieving goals through brain storming and hard work. On the other side an Amir can not enjoy this feeling, even if he has a lot of dirty money, his life is limited in accomplishing his biological duties. What a boring life !!!!!
28 June 2006 16:49
Dear Krim,
You're right when you say that those Amirs over there will never think of bringing comfort to less unfortunate people because it's simply not in their nature. I'm living in a gulf state and I see more apathy towards expatriates than philantropy!It's NOT in the Amirs nature to give.
29 June 2006 01:37
Dear Krim,tidili63 and chelhman,

You know what, that's why history forgets them two days after their elaborate and stupid funerals. And I love what you said krim when you describe their lives as been limited to accomplishing biological duties, what a boring and cheap life indeed.
But I have to say that I’ve seen ordinary people, too, middle class people writing a will leaving all their money to their favorite charities. I’m not trying to make us look bad here, but I’m, and I don’t apologize for that, looking where is all the talk and teachings these son of ???? put in our heads ever since we were kids, that we are the top when it come to karam and helping the poorest amongst us, that “al koffar” I hate this word, are the ones who like nothing but money and live their lives to accumulate wealth that’s it. They always mean by that any one who isn’t muslim.
And lastly here’s one thing that puzzles me really, if you are lets say an Amir, and you are khanez belflouse, and you reach 75 or 80 years old, you had your life, you married 25 times, you drank and gambled all your life, you had Swedish, German and Thai hareem, you put many innocent people in jails, you ate well, usually we can tell because you stomach is the size of bermil, you own 5 or 6 palaces in Spain, 3 or 4 in Italy, same in morocco and zid o zid, wouldn’t you, if you have any drop of brain left would want to do some thing that would keep your name a life? !!! Wouldn’t you if you’re not like what krim said, dedicating your life to accomplishing biological duties, do as these “koffar” did? Help humanity!!!!!
Wouldn’t you want NOT to be just another Jerk who came to this life and left like a passing hurricane? After which people just say, meziane baada ghir li dazet.
And that’s why I think what Warren Buffet did will win him a place in history. In my eyes, he’s teaching many what is the true meaning of life.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2006 05:05 by Almot.
30 June 2006 03:41
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