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Another Challenging Topic: What Do Think is Beter???
18 November 2006 00:05
Hello & Salam 2 U All;
What Do you think is Beter for some people saving money for running away to a beter life outside their homeland, even though they do not know where they are going, or what are they going to do there, and what make the situation even worse is that they have nothing solid to help them & Suppor them while going to endanger themselves in places they never saw or have any connections to help them settle,

I know the Topic is still Vague But Let's see What some people want to Talk About here cause this Problem is ruining so many families around the world and especially countries with borders closer to european destinations such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt etc,.. Alot of Them Die in their way to the Dream Land, alot of them leave relatives and Loves one crying and suffering behind them, what about those who borrow, or even sale family belonging to be able to make it to the other shore?

Wouldn't be beter for them if they took the same amount of money and do something with it in their homeland, like a little project and look after it and give it all it takes till it start giving back and then maybe when things get beter then at that time Cosider the "beter world", well then now the topic went into details but let's see people here wants to take and make go cause this is a Big Major Issue and the News Never Stops Reporting About Sad incidents from it, Even Movies and Comedy Shows are showing it,

Do you have any experience regarding this issue?

Have you known someone with the same problem?

Do you believe their own government should get involve and get more serious by helping them stay home and help them survive?

Or do you think the dream land countries such as europe and other places should get involved and help seriously and help all the parties not just help the eauropean countries suffering from massive illegal immigration?

How Would you get involve if you were gonna be able to help?

what would you Ban or Allow to happen to make this Problem be resolved?

those are just sample questions to help us here continue this convesation,..
"Do Not Worry if The Whole World is Right & You Are Wrong But Worry Alot if You Are The Only 1 Right, Since it's Almost Impossible for That to Be True, Winks, Ha, ha, ha"
18 November 2006 15:25
Hello & Salam 2 U All;

Do you have any experience regarding this issue?

Have you known someone with the same problem?

Do you believe their own government should get involve and get more serious by helping them stay home and help them survive?

Or do you think the dream land countries such as europe and other places should get involved and help seriously and help all the parties not just help the eauropean countries suffering from massive illegal immigration?

How Would you get involve if you were gonna be able to help?

what would you Ban or Allow to happen to make this Problem be resolved?

those are just sample questions to help us here continue this convesation,..
18 November 2006 21:51
Wa ailakum Assalam

The solution (s) to this phenomenon doesn't just lie on the people in power but also on the individuals themselves, notably those living abroad. When people do come back from abroad on holiday, some of us do envy them because they look the business - wearing the latest Nike, always carrying few hundreds of Dirham in their pockets, a full packet of Marlboro on a coffee table and some of them brought cool cars....and the list go on and on
They must be making easy good money - well that’s the assumed idea. In a sense, they were mirroring where they reside so it must be a 'good life'. That’s when the problems of ‘do everything in your capability to go after that image’ begins. Combining it with ‘nothing to do in your country’ so YOU GO. The Visa is a big problem as well and if you can imagine that all countries around the world had an open frontier policy, then what would have happened? Media also plays a small role in this phenomena but this is nothing compare to the individuals advertising their messages everywhere as a walking talking display board. I believe the issue should sit first with the individuals, and then communities and institutions second.
18 November 2006 22:12
well sumtims it mite be a crisis thing 2 do if it is elegal but if it waz legal der is no problem n even if they left der home land der is still hope dat dey will com back add me i live in a country witch is not arabic muslim but still morocco is my homeland and watever happens i will always go back 2 it n give her as much as it has given 2 my perants well i waz not born der but still my perants grandperants waz born der so it is still my homeland(tm)
18 November 2006 22:13
well it is a crisis thing 2 do
19 November 2006 04:25
[Salam 2 U;
Good message, insha-Allah when I have a chance I am gonna reply to All messages and make it into 1 or maybe few small replies to each time permiting, thankx alot, keep up the good workthumbs up/b]
21 November 2006 12:32
That is a though topic to talk about... I know people who tried to cross by boat, some did it others were caught, and some died. Each had different motives. The root-cause? there is not only one, there are several. ABout borrowing money to start your own business... seems easy, but it ain't. Let's not forget that the majority of these we call "haraga" (term I loathe!) are illeterate. If people with university degrees can't get a job, how can the others get one?
this topic raises more questions than it gives answers... in fact it is interreting to discuss, because it makes part of the daily moroccan life, and it is killing thousands.
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