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An ‘anti-stupid’ pill, anyone?
8 August 2006 19:26
BERLIN: A German scientist has been testing an "anti-stupidity" pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies, Bild newspaper reported Saturday.

It said Hans-Hilger Ropers, director at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, has tested a pill thwarting hyperactivity in certain brain nerve cells, helping stabilize short-term memory and improve attentiveness.

"With mice and fruit flies we were able to eliminate the loss of short-term memory," Ropers, 62, is quoted saying in the German newspaper, which has dubbed it the "world's first anti-stupidity pill."
8 August 2006 21:08
ClapExtremely interresting! maybe the moroccan government ought to use this so it can change the effects of the "KARKOUBI" pills they used in the past to make the moroccans dumd when drinking tap water! LOL evil
9 August 2006 00:29

is that not stupidgrinning smiley!....don't understand!....short therm memory & less concentration doesn't mean a drug against it will not be necesserly against the "stupidity"...the word "stupidity"is very relative and its definition is different from a person to an other's above all not an illness how could we find any remedy...just like the intelligence.....are there any pills for intelligence smiling smiley.......

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2006 02:24 by Ilhem2.
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