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Can anybody confirm this ?
25 September 2006 06:09
On the next day, an Italian couple was murdered in Morocco and burning Christian churches lighted up the Iraqi sky.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2006 06:23 by l9bi7.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
25 September 2006 07:08
according to moroccan media, the couple was murdered in roberry turned bad. The murderer was caught the following day driving the couples' vehicle.

Not a single moroccan news outlet mentionned terrorism or any link to the pope's story.
25 September 2006 10:40
Here's a link on the subject :

12 October 2006 15:17
it's a very sad story !!

14 October 2006 17:01
To my knowledge, the burglar's intention was to steal not to murder. Drugs' effect made him unconscious most likely led him to kill.
17 October 2006 22:48
My best friend and his girl friend were savagely beaten to death in Italy a couple years ago. No body cared enough to mention them on the news. Now, let me ask you. Is european lives are more important than Moroccan lives. My fellow Moroccans don't be appologetic and don't try to kiss up them. they don't like us, they never did and they never will.
18 October 2006 02:28
My best friend and his girl friend were savagely beaten to death in Italy a couple years ago. No body cared enough to mention them on the news. Now, let me ask you. Is european lives are more important than Moroccan lives. My fellow Moroccans don't be appologetic and don't try to kiss up them. they don't like us, they never did and they never will.

yes they are more important ! why ? because nobody cares about his/her brother, everybody seeking the blessing of occidental countries
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
18 October 2006 07:27
Is is with a "they" mentality that the unjustifiable becomes justifiable. We do not do a right with 2 wrongs. Sorry for your friends, I actually heard about the moroccan beaten in Italy and whoever beats him needs to be punished according to the rule of law but we are not going to encourage an eye for an eye policy against "they" by putting everybody in the same basket.

My best friend and his girl friend were savagely beaten to death in Italy a couple years ago. No body cared enough to mention them on the news. Now, let me ask you. Is european lives are more important than Moroccan lives. My fellow Moroccans don't be appologetic and don't try to kiss up them. they don't like us, they never did and they never will.
18 October 2006 07:50
Sorry not to answer straight forward your question,
Murdering westerns in Morocco is becoming an everyday happening. This is due in my viewpoint to the fact that they are more and more visiting or even living in country, the most exposed ones are getting involved in drug or sex matters and they become vulnerable.
Have you heard about the french gay that passed away this summer in El jadida ?
The french simply wanted to get ride of his moroccan boyfriend, he pretended to be HIV positive and he might have contimanted him. The moroccan started stabbing him
18 October 2006 11:40
Murdering westerns in Morocco is becoming an everyday happening.

Are you sure you do not mix Morocco with Irak?
18 October 2006 21:52
Murdering westerns in Morocco is becoming an everyday happening.

Are you sure you do not mix Morocco with Irak?

No alximo, foreigners are running for dear from Irak while they are overwhelmingly settling down in Morocco. Who knows why ??
20 October 2006 17:49
About foreigners settling in Morocco, that has always happened since the 50s, back then they were artists, writers, movie makers, politicians etc... after the first gulf war. things changed. Not many forigners satyed in Morocco, now they prefer the south of spain (more dangerous it is). let's not forget that there is a law in morocco that protects foreigners, whether it is good or not I don't know. The reality is different now... back they the foreigners were protected because they brought lots of $$$ to the country's hungry politicians. nowadays there are a few. Definetly, there are more morrocans being killed in europe and other places for racist reasons than foreigners in the entire noth afrika.
30 October 2006 20:28
Just to prove to you that I was right When I said "they don't like us, they never did and they never will.

Fanning the Flames of Hatred
European Islamophobia

European politicians from London to Moscow are bashing Islam and immigrants, legitimizing politics previously limited to the anti-immigrant extreme right.

The latest high-profile venture in Islamophobia is taking place in Britain, where Labour Party minister Jack Straw suddenly announced in an October 5 newspaper column that he felt "uncomfortable" speaking to Muslim women wearing the full-face veil known as the niqab, calling it a barrier to community relations. Prime Minister Tony Blair chimed in days later, calling the niqab a "mark of separation."

The Labour Party's intervention represents the liberal version of Islamophobia, a complement to the right-wing variant, which has included Pope Benedict's speech portraying Islam as a violent religion, George W. Bush's tirade against "Islamofascism," and the publication of racist anti-Islamist cartoons by a right-wing Danish newspaper.

In Italy, another leading liberal, Prime Minister Romano Prodi, followed Blair in speaking out against the niqab.

Meanwhile, British authorities reported several incidents in which women were verbally harassed for wearing the niqab or a head covering known as the hijab, following Straw's comments. There were violent attacks as well, including an October 21 assault carried out by three men on those attending prayers at a mosque in the city of Manchester.

The same day, right-wing media amplified Straw and Blair's attacks on Islam, with the Daily Express tabloid running a front-page photo of a woman in a niqab under the massive headline "BAN IT!" A 24-year-old school teaching assistant, Aishah Azmi, won $2,000 in a labor tribunal case involving her suspension for wearing a niqab in class--but her complaints of discrimination and harassment were dropped.

The backdrop for all this is a series of raids and arrests of Muslims since August involving an alleged plot to hijack British airliners--even though they had taken no action toward doing so.

The Labour Party's role in stoking Islamophobia has given political cover for neo-Nazis and far-right politicians in Europe, who have already made anti-Islamism their focus, as a brief look across the continent makes clear:


Four Muslim baggage-handlers at Charles De Gaulle Airport recently lost their jobs when a local government revoked their security clearances.

The crackdown follows publication of a book--by Philippe de Villiers, the candidate of the right-wing Movement for France (MPF) party in next year's presidential elections--that claims to detail Muslim "infiltration" of the airport. "I am the only politician who tells the French the truth about the Islamization of France," he told an interviewer earlier this year.

A police union affiliated with de Villiers' MPF recently called for more weapons to fight what it called an ongoing "intifada" in the heavily Muslim immigrant suburbs of Paris, which erupted in riots a year ago after two youths died while being chased by police.

De Villiers is positioning himself as a more palatable alternative to National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, the Holocaust-denying, anti-immigrant neo-Nazi who came in second in the 2002 presidential election.

Islamophobia has been a staple of French politics for years, with parties of the mainstream right and left backing the ban of the hijab of public schools in 2004. The mainstream right is also counting on anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant politics to maintain control of the presidency, as Interior Minister Nicholas Sarkozy combines his law-and-order policies in the Paris suburbs with new laws cracking down on undocumented immigrants.


The neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NDP) scored its biggest success ever in September's election in the depressed Eastern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, giving Germany's extreme right representation in four German states.

A few weeks later, Ronald Pofalla, the head of Christian Democratic Union, the party of Chancellor Angela Merkel, wrote a newspaper column claiming that "the problem of religiously motivated violence is today almost exclusively a problem of Islam." Earlier this year, the eighth of Germany's 16 states voted to ban the hijab in public schools.


The far-right Velaams Belang nearly captured control of the Antwerp city government in mid-October on an openly Islamophobic platform, winning 33.5 percent of the vote, compared to 35 percent assembled by a Socialist coalition.


Volen Siderov, candidate of the ultranationalist Ataka (Attack) party, bested the country's other right-wing parties by winning 22 percent of the vote in the first round of presidential elections October 22. Running on a platform of banning Turkish parties and cracking down on the Roma people, known as gypsies, Siderov will contest a runoff vote with incumbent president Georgi Parvanov of the Socialist Party.


The growing Nazi and far right are mobilizing behind the Movement Against Illegal Immigration--and the organization's politics recently got the blessing of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Following raids and mass deportation of Georgians after Russia's spy scandal involving that former republic of the USSR, Putin gave a speech in which he declared that Russians are being "terrorized" by gangs of "criminals" from the Muslim countries of former USSR republics in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the large Muslim population of Russia itself.

Islamophobia has replaced anti-Semitism as the focus of the European far right, according to Glyn Ford, a British member of the European Parliament and author of a book on neo-fascism in Europe. "Europe is in danger of seeing its extreme-right parties move into the mainstream," he said, adding, "Islamophobia has become the prejudice of the day, but the threat from the extreme right is real and it is found across the European Union."

Lee Sustar is a regular contributor to CounterPunch and the Socialist Worker. He can be reached at: [email protected]
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