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how to beat your wife
9 June 2009 16:52

a bunch of lunatics discussing

technics and methods how to beat the wife eye popping smileyeye popping smiley

this is how nations progress moody smiley what a mentality shame on them Are you crazy

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2009 04:53 by whatsup.
9 June 2009 17:16
they must watched his training sessions , so the beating need to be on the backside
like this for exemple

9 June 2009 17:39
hi there
i ve seen the videos
that made me sick
in what world are we living???
i could not believe my eyes???Censored
9 June 2009 21:16
Whats the idea of beating a woman if you can't leave any marks? I just hit them in the face that usually makes them shut up.

What is it with you and all these youtube propaganda videos aganist islam? Do you have some sort of agenda to prove that Islam is evil?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2009 09:16 by Kutchia.
9 June 2009 22:10
i dont think what destroy islam image is you tube Are you crazy
the main cause of the desastrous situation of the religion of peace is the so called imams who leave important subjects and concentrate on the slavery and aggression against women winking smiley
this beardy hasn t got nothing better to do a part showing technics how to beat a woman
what a sick pervert
9 June 2009 22:53
Well Islam does not need these preachers !

A muslim couple wont need beating to resolve there issues ! never !
10 June 2009 10:23
that s rightthumbs up
29 July 2009 23:33
atlasmagic , I agree 100 % .
thumbs up
30 July 2009 04:34
Salma can use some spanking, it will be good for her, but only from her father, mother or her brothers but not from her husband, once a girl gets married, spanking is over, exept from her dad or her mom, they can always spank her, and if her husband opens his mouth, her brothers will take care of him.
Welcome to the middle Atlas, one big happy family.
30 July 2009 11:08
what a silly man you are
hello we re in the 21 th century
bye bye slavery
first my parents arent barbares
plus i ve only got 2 small brothers and they are more educated than you evil
30 July 2009 11:46
Beating his daughters and wife is a right given by Islam to the Man.

For example , If I get a daughter like this : [] What do u expect me to do at this case ? congratulate her ? kiss her ? tell her that u made me so honored ?

Of course I will beat her till the blood get out from her eyes ! because it is question of honor ! without honor a person should better suicide. No taste of living without the dignity. having a girl that f**k around and attract shame to the family is real violating the honor. The man should take control and correct this girl by beating her if she does not want to listen !

If really the Moroccan man returned to what the islam give as right to the man to correct his hareeem , we would not have anymore that reputation on our moroccan girls ! those bitches around the world are result of laxity of the brothers and fathers.
30 July 2009 12:00
Beating his daughters and wife is a right given by Islam to the Man.

For example , If I get a daughter like this : [] What do u expect me to do at this case ? congratulate her ? kiss her ? tell her that u made me so honored ?

Of course I will beat her till the blood get out from her eyes ! because it is question of honor ! without honor a person should better suicide. No taste of living without the dignity. having a girl that f**k around and attract shame to the family is real violating the honor. The man should take control and correct this girl by beating her if she does not want to listen !

If really the Moroccan man returned to what the islam give as right to the man to correct his hareeem , we would not have anymore that reputation on our moroccan girls ! those bitches around the world are result of laxity of the brothers and fathers.

Oheye popping smiley
Mon amour...
30 July 2009 12:26
ephena , don t be choked he is homosexual , trying to portray himself as a real man
ghayour/strangeman go do some cat fighting with your boyfriend may be that will make you think twice and learn how to respect women

don t forget some women can kung fu your ass, or get the police do it on their behalf , jungle behaviour is not tolerated may be in your animal environment but not in a humans societies
tarazane the looser winking smiley
30 July 2009 12:34
ephena , don t be choked he is homosexual , trying to portray himself as a real man
ghayour/strangeman go do some cat fighting with your boyfriend may be that will make you think twice and learn how to respect women

don t forget some women can kung fu your ass, or get the police do it on their behalf , jungle behaviour is not tolerated may be in your animal environment but not in a humans societies
tarazane the looser winking smiley

So u wanna throw your profile to others by treating them homosexual ? sorry man , u are and u will be persisting for your profile.

If you are proud of your sisters as it mentioned in this video : []

You better suicide. Coz no need to stay alive without honor without dignity that our islam call for it. If you do not like islam and its restriction, convert yourself to Christianity , they are more tolerant toward homosexuality and women freedom.
30 July 2009 12:47
ptdrare you that desperate ptdrare you preaching to portray yourself as a good muslim , are you hiding your sexual frustration behing a thin sheet of religious words , sorry it won t work try an other one winking smiley

beating up a woman as you wrote above is not going to make your sexual frustration any better idiot
you want to beat the woman until the blood gets out of her eyes is this religion al kafire winking smiley
is this your sentence or have i just imagined it
you are a nobody , a weak dick head with no morals , your beard doesn t fool me , typical pervert behaviour
you know if that woman you wish to make her eyes bleed was my sister or librepenseur sister you know what will happen to you , your balls will be cut and hanged in the atlas mountain to be dry to be an exemple to loosers like you who can t return a slap from other men but play hard men on women and girls winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 12:49 by whatp.
30 July 2009 12:59
So u are accepting that If your sister deciding to go prostitute in Lebanon , you will be happy as mention in my video ?

U know what prophet salla allahu 3alayhi wa salam said : la yadkholo al jannata dayouth

Omar Ibn al Khattab said : Kill who ever does not have jealousy ( o9toulo man la ghirata laho )

This is in our religion. The Honor and dignity and jealousy are qualities of a muslim !
30 July 2009 13:16
have you run out of fuel , your engine is a little loud check it
don t be desappointed your you tube trash i didn t see it s more designed for stupid morons like you
leave religion alone a woman beater like you with sexual frustration is not allowed to hide behind religion or pollute the sunna or the quran with their criminal extremists thoughts
admet you have a probleme otherwise you will never be cured

shame on you equivalent to tfou alik grinning smiley
30 July 2009 13:23
That is looser way to defend ur self grinning smiley

The religion is clear , no need to try to criticize it ! Our Prophet Mohamed told us to save our honor and dignity, who is the miserable dayouth person like you to say the opposite ? grinning smiley
30 July 2009 13:37
D U SPEAK ANY ENGLISH grinning smiley
if so what is the topic about ? ptdr
thats why when i say : you are sexually frustrated you need to take it on board and get help
did anyone injected anaesthesia in your brain cells you seem num and desoriented SOS

think with your head not with your dick re read the topic to understand how stupid you are
does the sun shines from east , west or from your backside ? slowly now try to activate your stupid brainwinking smileyptdr
30 July 2009 13:42
I surely beleive u are frustrated that Islam is religion of Honore , u were wishing to have an open religion to ur fantasies grinning smiley

Well , I think we need to clean our community from people who are thinkin like u ! that is the real ennemies !
30 July 2009 13:53
grinning smileyu using the words clean , dirty, blood a lot when is the last time you had a wash smells spermy in your trash words , don t pollute the religion with your terrorist agendas

go ahead make my day punksmiling smiley . go clean the neighbourhood but bear in mid any knives , bombs will land you in guantanamo grinning smiley
30 July 2009 14:39
I will rather clean this world from dayouth people , who are happy to see their sisters havin porn with whoever. We should kill u and ur examples as prophet 3alayhi salate wa salam and his sahabas told us !
30 July 2009 14:49
I will rather clean this world from dayouth people , who are happy to see their sisters havin porn with whoever. We should kill u and ur examples as prophet 3alayhi salate wa salam and his sahabas told us !

sorry to interfer but i don t think the prophet told you to kill women or wives you are interpreting islam the wrong way
this topic discusses beating wives you are mixing things
and if any one needs to be punished there is police and regulations for that Heu
30 July 2009 14:54
I will rather clean this world from dayouth people , who are happy to see their sisters havin porn with whoever. We should kill u and ur examples as prophet 3alayhi salate wa salam and his sahabas told us !

sorry to interfer but i don t think the prophet told you to kill women or wives you are interpreting islam the wrong way
this topic discusses beating wives you are mixing things
and if any one needs to be punished there is police and regulations for that Heu

No we have to punish who do not have el ghira ! O9toulou man la ghirata laho

Nobody ask to kill women of no honor have been violated winking smiley
30 July 2009 14:59
you kill, in the US you get executed ,i can accuse you easily that you have no ghira so i take my gun and shoot you on the head , then your brother seeks revenge so he will go and shoot my brtother and so on
imagine what sort of society this will be (mafia)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 03:00 by marocain-09.
30 July 2009 15:05
Broda ! I am not talking about US ! US is just a land of destiny , it is just a country for a short residence , A muslim won't have the intention to stay his whole life on that system. The word al ghira is clear. Have al ghira on his religion , have al ghira on his children , on his wife , on his women, on his land ... If u are smooth on ur principles, u become dayouth !

No offense my buddy ! I respect u marocain09
30 July 2009 15:14
killing is wrong in the whole world , no country accept killing others
you must understand that societies have passed throughj centuiries and centuries and alot of regulations now rule each society , killing is a homocide, is a crime

gone the days of 9abile and 7abile who killed each other in the forest

you kill now you go to jail anywhere in the world and muslim countries are no exception
go to saoudia arabia and kill someone and justify it ghira i am sure you will get death sentence the same in every country

evolution thats what happened

anyway it s your opinion personnaly if i learned anything from living in US and Europe is : to respect others , respect the law , respect other religions and never judge anyone or accuse anyone
anything with multi culture and different mentalities make me think that humanity is still alive and exists

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 03:16 by marocain-09.
30 July 2009 19:24
Broda ! I am not talking about US ! US is just a land of destiny , it is just a country for a short residence , A muslim won't have the intention to stay his whole life on that system. The word al ghira is clear. Have al ghira on his religion , have al ghira on his children , on his wife , on his women, on his land ... If u are smooth on ur principles, u become dayouth !

No offense my buddy ! I respect u marocain09
Poor her who's married to you.
you're a sick man.
poor them kids who gonna grow up with you as a father.
you're a sick man.
poor you,
you lived your whole life like a blind man.
and then you will die like a vermin died, who never existed, never did nothing in her life.
poor you,
May your soul R.I.P

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 07:28 by LibrePenseur.
31 July 2009 16:05
Enough of "panzies". Poor moroccans.
2 August 2009 16:39
this topic should be banned
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