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50 best Employers In CANADA
8 January 2010 20:11
Hi Folks !

Do you want to know who are the companies that have, leaders and employees work closely together toward a common vision, as well as the collective energy that goes into making an organization a best employer?

Okay let’s make it easy: Do you want to know who are the 50 best Employers in Canada?

Well, Report on Business magazine releases the 11th annual list of the Fifty Best Employers in Canada and looks at how the best organizations ensure employee engagement over the span of their careers.

And guess what ! this study is one of those where employees determine the ranking (yeah let me repeated it) employees determine the ranking and It’s conducted by Report on Business magazine and Hewitt Associates, a global human resources consulting and outsourcing company. This year, 134 organizations registered to participate in the study. More than 100,000 employees and 1,200 leaders completed the confidential surveys. Organizations must have at least 400 permanent employees in Canada, and have operated here for at least three years.

Isn’t that interesting as criteria’s?

Okay folks I‘ll let you read and let me see what do you think !

The source:

(Other French articles related to the subject)

15 January 2010 15:55
Okay folks I‘ll let you read and let me see what do you think !

my point of view is that Canada is a nice place to visit but not to settle down. two friends of mine fled Canada because they didn't find what they were expecting. you need to start everything from scratch in Canada while elsewhere you profile, degree and experience are taken in consideration. sorry bro for jumping out from the topic but it amount to the same thing.
15 January 2010 21:39
Hi maretranger

thank you for your feed back.

I don't agree with you, but I thank you for sharing your thought.
16 January 2010 05:41
Hi maretranger

thank you for your feed back.

I don't agree with you, but I thank you for sharing your thought.

You are most welcome brother Welcome
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