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Brand name product
3 August 2009 10:45
Brand name product

In my opinion, there are many advantages of brand name products. There are three main reasons consist of high quality, famous designer and values in term of status in society.

One of most possible reasons that could make brand name products popular is “high quality of product”. Product produced using quality materials; therefore, it has high product costs. They can be used for a long time. Secondly, designing by famous designer is one of possible reasons. People tend to give more attend to the name of designer when spending money on brand name products. This is because people believe that buying products which designed by famous popular designer live up value of the product. Lastly, value in term of status in society could be one of the reasons that increase the demand of brand name products. It is standard for product brands to be reliable and high value. This leads to believe that using brand name products would uplift the status of consumer in the society.

In conclusion, brand name products have many advantages and disadvantages, so we should consider to buy it. Because they’re expensive. Do you agree with me.?
3 August 2009 17:34
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