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British Moroccan Society Charity Trek-25 April-2May 2010
2 February 2010 12:52
Dear Member and friend,
Our first learning center in Talataste is currently being built. It will house a library, and a school room when it is completed in April to teach children age 4 to 6 to speak and write in Arabic, women to become litterate and to help school children age 7 to 11 with their homework and their reading. We'll also have a few laptops ( hopefully donated).
This center is funded by the proceeds of our first charity trek going up Toubkal last year.
At the BMS, we have ambition : we want to open a second center which will also be funded by a charity trek, the next one being at the end of April ( we changed the dates from February to April)
Because the trek is meant to help raise money for our projects, the cost of it is kept very low. In exchange for this, we ask the participants to raise a minimum of £500 for our charity before going on the trek.
Sometimes it can take time to raise money ( you might have to organise dinners, events etc... to explain to your friends why you're doing this and the benefits of helping you), I would like you to start thinking seriously about this trek and let me know as soon as possible if you are seriously interested in doing it.

Thank you for all your support,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2010 12:56 by Ailicia.
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