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Bush apologizes to Blair over bombs sent to Israel
29 July 2006 19:15
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush apologized on Friday to British Prime Minister Tony Blair after Britain complained Washington had not followed correct procedures for sending bombs to Israel via a British airport, a British official said.

Blair's spokesman told reporters traveling with Blair that Bush raised the issue briefly at the start of his meeting with Blair at the White House.

"President Bush did apologize for the fact that proper procedures were not followed," the spokesman said. "President Bush as part of the introduction said 'I'm sorry there was a problem.' It was literally that," the spokesman told reporters aboard his plane.

The British government had formally complained to the United States over its use of a British airport for transiting bombs to Israel.

British media reported on Wednesday that aircraft carrying "bunker-busting" bombs from the United States to Israel refueled at Prestwick airport in Scotland over the weekend.

NDLR : We don't see them apologizing often

just to make the 600th post
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
29 July 2006 19:23
It's heartwarming : the moron apologizes to the poodle on a technicality about a cargo of death.
Now let's see if the moron is going to apologize to the people who were on the receiving end of those bombs.
29 July 2006 20:03
Lets see, now that he is changing his idea about making a cease fire deal,
now that rice said yesterday she will be back to middle east until later while she was instructed by bush to get back now

and lets see after they realize that israel was not so invincible
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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