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canada or france
28 September 2006 18:14
hi all
this question for people who used to live in france and mouve to canada or other way arround
tell us about your experience and why you did it the reason i am asking i am thinking to do the same mouving to canada
1 October 2006 17:35
Well i never lived in France but i visited many times and than decided to move to USA. I heard a lot about canada but infortunatly not such great stuff. France is way expensise and people are very prejudice espacially against muslim and arabs. I never had any problems in USA. I have always been respected. Jobs are a lot more available here than in europe in general. Usa is such a big beautiful coutry anyone will love it. People are very nice and respectful of your culture and traditions. I've been here almost 8 years and so far so good.
10 October 2006 10:22
ni canada ni france lol
vive morocco
10 October 2006 14:07
10 October 2006 23:40
I shall advise you rather generative Canada of employments and opening of spirit
Especially since it is a young said country thus quite a lot of potentiality of dévellopement completely of seen
11 November 2006 07:45
Well my parents left France almost 35 years ago, and from my understanding they really hated it there and have never gone back.

I have lived in both Canada and the US and both are great the only place i dislike is Querebec (Quebec). There is plently of jobs to go around and alot of wealth to be made. But if you choose to speak french then go to Querebec, but goodluck in finding a job. There is absolutely no jobs and if there is its very low paying and the querebec government will tax you to death.

Personally I like Ontario, BC and I especially like Alberta. Alberta is Oil country and there is plenty of wealth to be made there and the people are awesome. The only thing that sucks is that there is hardly any Moroccans in Alberta. Most of the Moroccans in Canada like welfare and french so they live in Querebec.

In the US, I like Houston, San Diego, Orlando, Miami, New York City and Seattle. Beautiful cities and the people are great. Where ever you live in Canada or the US there is plenty of work and the people are great.

Except for Querebec, where there is no jobs, no wealth, but if you like welfare, and being treated badly by a bunch of frogs and you like homosexuals then querebec maybe your choice.
11 November 2006 09:51
Nice to hear of people who do not loathe the US.
11 November 2006 17:50
Salam alaykum wa rahmatou Allahi wa barakatuhu


Totally right Quebec is not a place to live in and have dignified professional career, I prefer Ontario you can find job , it is multicultural place and you feel yourself you just belong to it .for Alberta for sure there are plenty of job but it is cold almost whole year.

Good luck (Allah yeaawnak )
14 November 2006 02:12
Well I do Live in Canada for more then 10 years, and it is A Nice Place if you know what you are doing and where you are going, but I wouldn't recommand any place in the World to anyone unless they have enough infomation about it also I recommand you have some connections and some friends before you come live here, immigrating alone with No Help it is Not Such A Good Idea and Many People who Do that End up going back and start all over again which is not wise, First have A Plan what Do you want to do in that country and what do you have as a package to help you survive, I really Do Wish you the Best Luck out there if you are really planning a move to this Beautiful country, Canada is been Rancked 6 times in the row as the Best Place Where to live By United Nations Standards/Survery/etc.& From Now On I am Going to say Welcome to Canada and Don't Forget to Bring Enough Euro with you or safe it in your account cause Euro is worth in Canada and give you 1 & 1/2 time for exchange. Beaucoup & Bonne Chance!
14 November 2006 18:01
Supertramp once said something like this at a concert in Paris: I've been to the eifel tower, I saw the arch de triomph, I had french wine, etc... but nothing like "breakfast in America"... well they forgot to be more specific... south amerika! Clap
17 November 2006 23:12
thumbs downAmerica Sucksthumbs down
"Do Not Worry if The Whole World is Right & You Are Wrong But Worry Alot if You Are The Only 1 Right, Since it's Almost Impossible for That to Be True, Winks, Ha, ha, ha"
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