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charles bonnet syndrome
19 October 2009 22:36
what we refer to in our moroccan society as : chaf jen, ma9yousse, darbouh jnoune ptdr

if you have any one in your family who says he seen a ghost tell him or her to get his eyes checked it s a sign of deteriation of the sight

more information on this website

20 October 2009 10:48
thanks the tiger for this valuable information
you know a lot of people in Morocco when they have these visual hallucinations think they have a lot of talents in clairvoyance , magic , access to supernatural world
a lot of of the so called choafa or choafe with this eye desease think these pictures they see while awake are their ghost servants
2 November 2009 22:40
this is based out on our level of knowledge as it stands now.

does not make either of the parties right 100% or wrong 100%
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
5 November 2009 10:38
this is based out on our level of knowledge as it stands now.

does not make either of the parties right 100% or wrong 100%

??????????? which means ?????????hallucinations of paranormal and idiotic explanations for physical illnesses by some supernatural ideas have in your opinion the same credibility as a proven scientific fact

a doctor is like chouaf no difference ??? is that it grinning smiley
7 November 2009 05:27
this is based out on our level of knowledge as it stands now.

does not make either of the parties right 100% or wrong 100%

??????????? which means ?????????hallucinations of paranormal and idiotic explanations for physical illnesses by some supernatural ideas have in your opinion the same credibility as a proven scientific fact

a doctor is like chouaf no difference ??? is that it grinning smiley

there is nothing such as proven scientific.

an example ? we all studied Newtonian physics. guess what ? quantum physics goes totally against that so what it real what is not ?
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
7 November 2009 20:48
we are not talking here about newtorian physics or darwinisme where we can say may be or uncertain , ....etc
charles bonnet syndrome is a desease , when a person with this illness is X RAYED you will see clearly that there is a physical damage in the back of the eye which is responsible of the failure to send the image signal to the brain thats a fact there is no may or may be not winking smiley
it s like cancer when x rayed you can see the tumour clearly
diabetic and the insoline
when a cardiologist tells an ill person with weak heart you have a blocked artery it s a fact , he is not imagining or being phylosophical
deseases have specific symptons
1+1=2 we can not say may be 3ptdror 4grinning smiley

hal yastawi alladina ya3lamoune walladina la ya3lamoune you can not compare hallucinations of supernatural beliefs with scientific facts
2 December 2009 04:19
i am not destabilising your post, just wanted to introduce that nothing is for granted. even science. In fact, there are no facts in sciences but a multiverse of theories.

by the way 1+1=2 is only true in a system greater than binary smiling smiley
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
6 December 2009 10:22
laisse tomber.

trying to explain such thing to this guy is waste of time. he always thinks he holds the whole truth in every field (politics, sports, culture etc)

he himself has symptoms of this charles bonnet syndrome ha ha ha.

Allah ichafih
6 December 2009 22:12
mr compulsive liar :

everyone in this forum know very well that you are not credible , you lie and you invent lies about your own country
did you see the questions of many members here asking you the source of your information(actualites marocains )and you fail in many occasions to give a clear answer or a credible source INSTEAD you choose to be rude to everyone
remember this question asked by amar soussi, me and other members grinning smiley
can we have your info source when you lied saying: morocco closed all religious schools?
still waiting
why you invent these type of stories?
until you come up with a satisfactory and credible source to your posts i have to ignore your lies.
9 December 2009 16:01
Sahbi La3ziz thetiger the loser ha ha ha,

only you and your dude asked the question and i already answered it providing a link. who is the liar then. go back to the forum actualite' international and check how many people condemned you and your dude while you tried to destroy my post by your lies saying i reported false statement. the post title "ex ministre israelienne: nous sommes diabolique". i also ask members to check your posts and comments to make sure how you try to spread hatress between Moroccan and Algerians. how you try to fight Islam by twisting its laws.

now mind to cure yourself from this charles bonnet syndrome first once your condition improves then we can continue our debates.

have a nice
9 December 2009 21:49
i won t lower my standards and i will ignore you from now on as members had repeated on actualites marocaines : since you failed to come up with credible sources to your pathetic bullshit many times there is no point in answering you that will be my last comment on your insults , rudness which only reflect your education

just in case you think you have a little grain of intelligence : everyone knows : that maretrangerzbel is wahidozbel is pearlviewzbel grinning smileywhen someone criticises you, you start insulting by using other pseudos so carry on this empty dialogue with your multiple pseudos you must have a very interesting life to have the time to create all those pseudos to manipulate, swear and insult . pointByeBye

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2009 09:54 by thetiger.
10 December 2009 14:22
i won t lower my standards

What kind of standards are you talking about? Standards of spreading hatred and lies you mean. Just check your previous comments and posts to see how you become the messenger of propaganda in this forum. Are you blind? Check and see how many people are condemning your insolence and lies?

i will ignore you from now on as members had repeated on actualites marocaines : since you failed to come up with credible sources to your pathetic bullshit many times there is no point in answering you that will be my last comment on your insults , rudness which only reflect your education

Answers to your request were posted before you opened your nasty smelly mouth with link and judgment. Nothing I can do for you if you couldn’t understand its content. It’s not me who ask you to stop schooling. It’s never late, go back to learn. Then I found it great you ignore my comments as I get fed up reading your stupid broken cd full of racism, hatred and lies. So make sure you keep your promise if you are a man as I’m pretty sure you can’t help it. As for me, I won’t give up hammering you whenever you hallucinate.

just in case you think you have a little grain of intelligence : everyone knows : that maretrangerzbel is wahidozbel is pearlviewzbel

This is your tactic bullshiter: thetiger mentally sick = freethinker mentally sick = whatup mentally sick. Everyone knows that thetiger bullshiter is freethinker the bullshiter is whatup the bullshiter. do you think people are sleeping dude? Many PM’s about you are circulating unveiling your true face. Wake up dude and end up your nasty cinema. I don’t need to follow your madness to kick your ass and unveil your mask. I did hammer your rocky head successfully that’s why you are trying to portray me badly and spread lies about me. Try to find phantoms to convince them thetiger bullshiter loser.
11 December 2009 13:01
no, it’s me wahidovic who is using the pseudo martranger. listen stupid, pack your torn things and wait for immigration officers to pick and throw you out of Us. no place for idiots like you in this country. you are mischievous and you think people are like you, stupid.
11 December 2009 14:24
what we refer to in our moroccan society as : chaf jen, ma9yousse, darbouh jnoune ptdr

if you have any one in your family who says he seen a ghost tell him or her to get his eyes checked it s a sign of deteriation of the sight

more information on this website


Education is and will be the best tool to fight ignorance smiling smiley
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