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Je cherche des gens qui voudraient bien correspondre avec moi en anglais
3 June 2006 14:04
Hi everybody!

I'm just starting a training in english language, I'm looking for people who want to exchange an email

with me (penfriends) for perfect (mon niveau d'anglais eye rolling smiley )

thank you for your future help

see you soonsmiling smiley

PS: vous pouvez me corriger si j'ai fait des erreurs là-dessus et je vous en remercie)
3 June 2006 22:47
you can depends on me..i will do all i can to help you [email protected]
4 June 2006 08:47
Allah y3awnek oukhti

but i will advice also to watch a lot of movies (see MBC 2)

or DVDs , either with subtitles or without

it helps a lot.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
4 June 2006 13:07
hI LADOUCE04 I just can help u in spanish , sorry ! I speak english but It 's not perfect u know! jaja .
However if u want to improve your english level, I purpose to you paltalk, a good forum for communication skill ! Good luck mate
4 June 2006 13:59
i coulde offre you some programes to help to learn by voice ..but as l9bi7 said you must watch movies and hear english songs they help you to know how to prounounce me sister and i will be ready to help
4 June 2006 20:40
I concur with l9bi7, watching movies, DVDs with subtitles is the key to understanding the pronunciation and above all the different nuances between a british, an american, an australian...etc, even the sitcoms can help. Secure your grammar base by reading books but your ear will get accustomed to the language when listening to natives.
One last piece of advice a teacher gave me when I was a kid : don't think french or whatever is your primary language, think in english. People tend to translate in their head from their language to english, that's going to slow you down in mastering the language and you'll make mistakes (gallicism, hispanism...). Good luck and don't worry, we Moroccans are gifted when it comes to languages.
6 June 2006 21:00
Thanks for your advice, I'm going to follow it Inch allahthumbs up

I 'll write you a long message as soon as possible, because at the moment, I'm not able to do iteye rolling smiley

Hopping you feel wellsmiling smiley
6 June 2006 22:59
Dear Ladouce04
I am very curious about the criteria or reasons which make choose Ladouce which means the soft.
I am convinced that you have a story to share with us.
take care
6 June 2006 23:10
Duuude ! Are you hitting on her ?
7 June 2006 09:10
Dear Chehman
It is the best way to make her practice english. I am sûre she is asking herself about the choice and how it cames to her mind. All this should be written down in english, I hope.
Take care

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2006 09:11 by Krim.
7 June 2006 21:25
Dear crim, you are right, I anderstanded your question and I'm going to try to respond you. I'm not asking myself long time about the choice, all simply because it has a relation with my real name, I let you thinking about this enigma!

Corrections by krim:

Dear Krim you are right, I understood your question or I did understand your question. I do not need to think to much about the choice, it reflects somehow my real name. I let you guess.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2006 08:45 by ladouce04.
9 June 2006 03:56
is that means tayibah ?
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
9 June 2006 08:43
is that means tayibah ?

no, not specialy tayibah but that's a translation from the arabic language, if you anderstand very well arabic you should know the answer
9 June 2006 10:26
OK Ladouce I keep silent.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2006 11:13 by Krim.
9 June 2006 11:03
chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut krim don't tell him the answer pleaseevil

that's easy now!
24 June 2006 20:42
ok i think u wanna learn english and alll i got to say is to learn n read some lyrics (depend on ur favourite music ) also be english music of course LOL grinning smiley
good luck
i got ur back winking smiley
if u ever need anythg juss ask i ll be there for ya
see ya
8 July 2006 14:51
Asalam'alaykm war wab

I'm trying to learn english too !!!exchanging email with someone,

can anyone help me please? barakallaho fikom
9 July 2006 08:07
Dear ladouce40
First let's correct some slight mistakes in your message:
1- training course in English.
2- to exchange messages with me (not emails)
3- to (not for) better my English proficiency (pour ameliorer mon niveau)

My advice dear friend is to read extensively. Reading and only reading can make progress. You can always find easy reading books that will interest you. Also listening to the BBC is beneficial.
Good luck.
11 July 2006 00:38
hahahaha ur so cute '' to perfect mon nivo d'anglais'' loolll tro mimi
9 August 2006 23:13
Still alive? or this subject is dead !!
10 August 2006 17:49
salut je veux te connaitre
10 August 2006 19:11
Huh ? sorry we only speak English here
11 August 2006 16:42

If u really wanna learn English, go and read a lot listen to music watch movies talk to people do something, one thing for sure is that private messages will never help u unless u have a 100 years to spare.

Good luck
11 August 2006 16:47

If u really wanna learn English, go and read a lot listen to music watch movies talk to people do something, one thing for sure is that private messages will never help u unless u have a 100 years to spare.

Good luck


i totally agree with ur pt of view
11 August 2006 16:54
same here ...
23 August 2006 09:48
salam alycom,

je comprend bien l'anglais, mais j'ai du mal moi aussi à parler ou à ecrire
23 August 2006 17:26
Hello everyone.

Can i join you?

When i was younger, i have sopken (?) very good in english.

but now, i'm just able to read it and sometimes, i forget word or expressions.

Please accept me betwenn your community ti help to increase (?) my english efficience ( se dice asi?)
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