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9 June 2009 14:13
everybody likes chocolate
it s become a delicacy more than just a kind of snack(if it s appropriate)
so how much do you like it
and would you give it up one day??
9 June 2009 14:44
hi again
i thought that you do like chocolatewhistling smiley
10 June 2009 00:04
of course every body like chocolate, but it is not amazing grinning smiley

I am used to eat more chocolate in the winterHeu ,
[center][b] B)[color=#FF0000] Ministre de la ligue anti-cafards[/color]B)[/b][/center] [center]:gr:[b][color=#FF0000]Les cafards c'est tabou on en viendra tous à bout [/color]:gr:[/b][/center]
10 June 2009 10:21
hi there
i didnt quite undertstand what you meant by thatmoody smiley
13 June 2009 00:48
i love a chocolte it's my big lover
13 June 2009 09:49
me toogrinning smiley
13 June 2009 20:58
i don t like chocolate , i don t have a sweet tooth ptdrplus i want to keep my nice shiny teeth until i am an old git grinning smiley
14 June 2009 13:26
5 November 2009 10:57
diabetic is biggest killer in morocco , nice to eat chocolat but with moderation grinning smiley
5 November 2009 14:24
Allah in3al li mayhshem,
Wehda kebrate fi Hemriya fi Mekness tadwi 3la choclate oulakhor kber fi karian Benmsik fi Casa tidwi 3la strawberry ice cream.
This must be a sign of the end of the world.
I prefer to talk about khobz, what kind of Moroccan Khobz do you like?
9 November 2009 10:43
Oh my... Chocolate is my favorite addiction. Ain't no cure for that grinning smiley
9 November 2009 17:05
i love chocolate mmmm yummy i think im going to buy some lol
12 November 2009 06:06
Allah in3al li mayhshem,
Wehda kebrate fi Hemriya fi Mekness tadwi 3la choclate oulakhor kber fi karian Benmsik fi Casa tidwi 3la strawberry ice cream.
This must be a sign of the end of the world.
I prefer to talk about khobz, what kind of Moroccan Khobz do you like?

you made me laugh librepenseur

nowadays choclate is cheaper than bread. bye bye hardship, everyone can enjoy a nice bar of choclate, anytime, anywhere ptdr.
12 November 2009 11:18
chocolate is cheaper than bread not a luxurious food anymore, nothing wrong with enjoying some chocolate from time to time

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2009 11:22 by thetiger.
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