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Civil marriage with a Lebanese living in Australia
26 October 2009 15:10
salam; my question is if i want to do a civil marriage in australian embassy; do i have to go till cairo or lybie to do it.
i just came from usa to get married here in morocco with a lebanese living in australia;we ve been in relationship since 4 years now. and yallah ktab to be together. but we decide to go for civil marriage first so he can apply for me a visa and go with him there and then change his name and do a moroccan marriage in australia canberra. so pls if anyone knows any step that i have to do let me know; i ll be so thankful. i ve heard that i have to go to the canadian emabssy; may be they could give me some information but im not sure that they could do. SO PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS again if anyone has been in my situation; pls write me back. thank u. salam.
26 October 2009 16:42
i have no idea what do you mean by civil marriage it is not like europe , there is one marriage you can do in morocco it involves the court and translation and it is recognised internationally

first you need permission from the family court ther is one in every moroccan town , once you pass all the stages you need to have the marriage certificat translated to english and notarised in the foreign ministry in Rabat after that the moroccan marriage is recogniosed by all the embassies and countries , you can send the application with the marriage certficat to the australian embassy in cairo
visit your local family court they will provide you with a list of documents you need for your marriage with your australian fiance the whole process will take you about 3 or 4 weeks

good luck

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2009 04:46 by printemps1.
26 October 2009 20:06
Thank you for ur quick respond. i did mean by civil marriage without involving l adoul; becos he has a christian name; he ll change his name but he cant now. he has just one week to come and marry me. and for changing his name it s gonna take some time besides he cant do it right now for immigration purposes. so the only thing i have to go and ask the canadian embassy and he ll ask his lawyer too and see what the gonna say. thank you again.
26 October 2009 21:32
he doesn t have to change his name in his passport or any ID , he can go to any mosque where he lives in australia get converted to islam and they will give him a certficat of islam with his muslim name , his new muslim name won t be in his passport nothing will change
as printemps 1 has explained thats the way to do it
before he visits you he needs to bring his certficat of islam from a mosque in the town where he lives in australia no need to change his name in any official documents it stays in his certficat and l adoul refer to it in the mariage certficat that s all
visiting you to marry in one week it s impossible minimum a month or 5 weeks to get all the paperwork from the court , (l enquete de la police ) etc des signatures sur les documents de la ministere de la justice et la ministere des affaires etrangeres

don t forget bribes to speed up the process wherever you go in morocco any document they ask you coffee money Ill
26 October 2009 21:46
i agree with faisal28
becoming muslim does not mean changing his original name
he will keep the same name on his passport

i am not sure about Australia but in europe they ask for a certficat called : certficat of impediment
from the loocal registry office which proves that he is not married to anyone in Australia and that he is single

you can give the Canadian embassy a call but i am sure all embassies in Morocco obey the law of morocco when it comes to marriage since the new Modawana was introduced any marriages on the moroccan soil have to be through family court before going to any embassy
27 October 2009 13:24
thank you for ur answers. i ll see what i can do. and i ll keep u guys updated. Bye
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