You're welcome Almot. It's amazing how can one space out just with a few sounds. This one in particular triggers images and smells (good and bad), it reminded me of the old medina in Casablanca.
There was time when people listened to radios and formed their own images and smells, but TVs and cameras came and did that for us. There was a time when families gathered around the radio to listen to Al Azaliyyah, and were captivated by a world of imagination where each one built his/her own photos of each episode. This audio at some point reminded me of that and allowed me to see photos of my own. It gave me an idea, For all those going to morocco this summer, what if each one comes back with a two min audio of the market life in their city and share it with us?
Chniwla, I couldn't find something from home, so since you seem to be in the US, you're going to appreciate this one. I found it hilarious, I hope you do too.
I was thinking maybe you wanna have some ambiance sound from the streets of old medinas, how about you bring some sounds from the streets of the US city where you live, it' easy let roll an empty tape with no sound and fedex it Unless you live in New York, Chicago or LA we may hear a gunshot.
we miss you much, and everytime I go outside or take a walk in the streets of My city, our city I think about you sincerely, hold on tight and allah y3awenkoum from the bottom of my heart
Quote chelhman lalla Chniwla, I'll make up it to you. I'll scour the net to find you something that'll bring a laugh, at the very least a smile. That's a promise.
first thing i saw this morning at work is this Dave chapelle video !!!! it's Hilarious !!!! thanks Chelhman you made my day !