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Comfortable trip to America
5 August 2009 08:41
If you have a one week for vacation, but you can’t decide where to go, America is an interesting choice for you. But flying from Thailand to America spends about 16-18 hour. You might be bored and unhappy in the trip. So, you should find the method for being comfortable. In my opinion, a long flight to America can be comfortable for 3 reasons.
First, you should entertain yourself on a plane. You can listen to music by taking your iPod or MP3 player. Playing games is a good choice because if you enjoy it, you will not be bored. Second, you should not be worried about a long flight. Sometimes, you should sleep during the flight because it is a good way to kill the time. If you want to sleep, I think you should try to get a window seat. When you sleep, you can recline your head on the window or side of your seat. Don’t check your watch regularly because perhaps you might feel the time is too much longer. Finally, you should choose the best service. If you can choose the first class, it will be the best choice. You can choose the best quality airline. That can help you feel more comfortable.
In conclusion, traveling to America will be comfortable. It depends on with you. What do you think about a long flight to America?
5 August 2009 11:33
never hold your farts in , they travel up your spine, into your brain and thats where the shitty ideas come fromgrinning smileyptdrgrinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2009 12:46 by whatp.
6 August 2009 17:21
10 August 2009 00:03
Hi !

The problem with America is that it's very far from where I live. I hate planes. Going to America by planes would be impossible unless i drink something to calm me down.

The longest flight I had lastes 1 hour and a half when I met up with my husband in the South of France.

I thought it was the last time I would fly. When I was young that is to say 14 years old I was not afraid of planes but now if I have to go somewhere by plane I spend a wakeful night before I take the plane. When I have the choice I go by train or by car even if it is longer. My husband does not understand that I prefer spending more than 6 hours in a train than spending one hour and a half by plane.

We plan to go to Dubai next summer and I don't know how to do to kill the time during the travel so as not to think of an eventual problem with the plane. Allah Y ster.

Ps: I'm so anxious in the plane that it's almost impossible for me to sleep.
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