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Correspondance diplome francais / english degree
24 March 2006 14:41
Salam all smiling smiley

I need your help please

is anyone could translate in english this following french degree.... or give me the equivalence with UK degree :

BTS : c'est un bac + 2 qui veut dire Brevet d'Etude Supérieur
DUT informatique : c'est un bac + 2 qui veut dire Diplome Universitaire Technologique
Licence MIAGE : bac + 3 qui signifie Méthodes Informatiques Appliquées à la Gestion des Entreprises
Maitrise : Bac + 4
Prépa : C'est une préparation en Deux apres le bac pour intégrer une école d'ingénieur

i think that's all

Thanks a lot .... smiling smiley

24 March 2006 22:23
well i cant really help you but for 'classe prepas' i dont think there is an equivalent diploma for that because i was in prepas then when i moved here to usa i coulndt get any credits in the college.
I hope you can get someone to help with the rest !
25 March 2006 21:55

thxs ex missdoll ans barak'Allah o fik

yes, i have had some helps smiling smiley (thxs Timinsiwin)

master = licence ou maitrise

prepa as U said there's no equivalence...

25 March 2006 22:51
English and French Educational systems are different, hence it is not always posible to find equivallence.

but for the diploma you mentioned there is equivalence for them.

what you need is a professiona translation of your diplomas
26 March 2006 17:34
English and French Educational systems are different, hence it is not always posible to find equivallence.

but for the diploma you mentioned there is equivalence for them.

what you need is a professiona translation of your diplomas

thxs Adamfirst, barak'Allah o fik for your answer,

yep, what i need is something which could be understand by uks ...

28 March 2006 00:14
you are welcome
Im glad you got what you were looking for
29 March 2006 17:55

I’m agreeing with Adamfirst because the Anglo-Saxon education systems contain only three levels: Bachelor (Bac+3) – Master (bac+5) – PhD (Bac+8)

I propose this translation:

Prepa = Preparation for the national competitive examination of the Engineer Schools (approximate)

BTS = Higher National Diploma specialized in (approximate)

DUT = Technician study at IUT (Technical University Institute) (approximate)

Licence = Bachelor

Maîtrise = !!!!!!

Master II (DEA, DESS , Ingénieur) = Master

Good luck

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2006 06:07 by moughrabi.
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31 March 2006 04:50
I got a DUT too and it's called associate degree that's what they call in usa and I guess it's gonna be the same in england too, sorry I don't know how they call the others
good like to u
31 March 2006 23:51

thanks a lot for your help smiling smiley

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