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cosmetic surgeries
19 May 2009 15:19
hi again
most people prefer to go under the knife than using cosmetic products to make them look good or to repair scares in their bodies
the stars are number one in the list
so is it always necessary to do it or is it just the fashion of these daysperplexe
19 May 2009 16:43
Here are the results: thumbs up

19 May 2009 16:47
for some people it s necessary for instance someone with a noise like pinokio he gets bullied nothing wrong with having it cut a bit to blend in the crowdgrinning smiley
19 May 2009 16:49
Go to google and search for "cosmetic surgery disasters", you get more than 350,000 links back confused smiley

Here is some more... scary stuff indeed!!moody smiley

19 May 2009 17:46
i got it thanxsmiling smiley
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