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Could next Stop be Morocco?
16 June 2006 00:20
It’s possible that Saddam Hussein will have to choose between death and exile. And I just think that he could choose Morocco to live in, "I just have that feeling," and I didn’t even talk to Chowafa, yet.
Is it possible?
16 June 2006 00:49
I hope not. We have enough on our plates as it is. Besides didn't Qatar offer him asylum before the war ? Let him go there, we don't need the P.R burden of him staying in our country.

Furthermore, M6 is not H2, it's another generation, H2 took Mobutu for instance because they had a long relationship, from one dictator to another, it was only fair. But M6 is the new kid on the block, he doesn't know and doesn't owe the old guard anything. He has been working so hard to cultivate that "Roi des pauvres" image, it would ruin years of carefully targeted P.R. He doesn't need to be outflanked by the Islamists, I'm sure they would relish the opportunity to attack him if he gives hospitality to a secular former dictator.

P.S : You have a Chowafa ? Is she any good ? lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2006 02:56 by chelhman.
16 June 2006 01:24
Hi everybody,

I think saddam will not have any's over for him for long time .....the states will do everythig to justify his death.......
16 June 2006 03:47
I do hope not, also, but I just think, of course after I checked with Echowafa, that Morocco is a country that may appeal to some to solve this problem. But I do see your point where M6 would not want to tarnish his reputation by such an act. I, however, don’t see this bringing problem with the Islamists, Saddam was no friend of these groups, I believe to the contrary; he prosecuted them with no mercy.
But I really don’t see how they could kill him and not risk lots of trouble with the Sunnis and whatever is left of the Baatistes, plus I would rather see him tried in The Hague like other dictators nowadays, than to see this Broadway show called trial he’s in now. Just today I read on BBC, The UN takes steps to move Liberian ex-leader Charles Taylor to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Why not Saddam?
I will check with echowafa and see what she thinks, and by the way, she’s really good, the more money you give her, the better the news, I can give you her email, yes, email for chowafa, she follows technology closely,,lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2006 04:44 by Almot.
17 June 2006 02:53
Hi Almot,

You said : "however, don’t see this bringing problem with the Islamists, Saddam was no friend of these groups, I believe to the contrary; he prosecuted them with no mercy."

If you read my post, I didn't mean the Islamists would take his side, quite the opposite, I meant they would attack the monarchy for harboring a secular former dictator. "Secular" being the operative word. Although Saddam's brand of secularism was more like the Jacobin Terror in France.
And I agree with you for the trial, I would have preferred a U.N trial instead of this masquerade. The american people needs to hear the whole story about his relationship with the CIA dating back in Egypt in the 60's when they were grooming him for the coup d'état.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2006 02:55 by chelhman.
17 June 2006 05:20
Sorry chelhman, I was told not to smoke any kif after midnight, i have to start listning to the doctor..
17 June 2006 11:20
No problem, brother.
Kif ? careful, the NSA might be reading this. You wanna be on Foxnews tonight ?lol
22 June 2006 19:48
I'm really starting to think that Iraq has reached the point of total collapse. May be it already did long time ago, what is the solution?
But just for a minute imagine the US folding and leaving today, imagine the carnage and the blood that is going to be running, many times the amount it is today ni my view. I can’t find optimism anywhere in this situation. Look at what happen to the third lawyer in Saddam’s trial:

chelhman, what's better than to appear on the most TRUSTED TV NEWS IN THE WOOOOOOORLD! I recently read a phrase on a site called the news hounds that I liked, it says: We watch FOX so you don't have to. lol
23 June 2006 00:04
Almot, I think Iraq will split up, it was probably in the minds of the neocons as a contingency plan. They thought "worse case scenario : we fall back in Kurdistan (to be) and let the sunnis and shiites duke it out". And the beards will have another stronghold. As you'll see in the last two episodes of "Power of nightmares", these two factions rely on each other to exist. In the end, the losers are the Iraqis, or should I say former Iraqis.

If you like outlets such as News Hounds, maybe you already know this but if not, you should check [] on a regular basis, it's good starting point for smart news. Cheers !

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2006 01:21 by chelhman.
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