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cover up for his sake!!!!
22 April 2009 00:13
Hello boys!

Leave sister NYorkaise alone! You are ganging on her unnecessarely. Read her comments. She has given you more reasons why she loves her hijab than you have given her why you do not like the hijab. Please do not make mockery of our beatiful Islamic traditions.

I am honestly very confused. I thought I was dealing with Moroccans and Muslims but I have more of chance in converting the kafirs than convencing you. Help us here and stop mocking our sister NYorkaise.

Good on you sister! May Allah Bless you and keep up the hijab. It is your choice and the rest can go to hell literally!


Thank yousmiling smiley
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
22 April 2009 10:32
Hello boys!

Leave sister NYorkaise alone! You are ganging on her unnecessarely. Read her comments. She has given you more reasons why she loves her hijab than you have given her why you do not like the hijab. Please do not make mockery of our beatiful Islamic traditions.

I am honestly very confused. I thought I was dealing with Moroccans and Muslims but I have more of chance in converting the kafirs than convencing you. Help us here and stop mocking our sister NYorkaise.

Good on you sister! May Allah Bless you and keep up the hijab. It is your choice and the rest can go to hell literally!


i don t agree with your use the word kafir ! who is kafir in your opinion ??all non muslims are kafirs in your opinion if that is not racism i don t know what you could call it ?
kafir is one of those words which hide a lot of racism and get misused when a person is losing a debate or doesn t have nothing else to say , it reminds me of the word nigger , a word to make the person feel superior than others

someone hiding his hair doesn t mean she is guaranteed the ticket to heaven litterally!!!
people who don t wear certain clothes doesn t mean they are going to hell? who knows , no one been there , some people point themselves security guards to heaven and hell gates(yeah i heard ther are gates massive ones) :
you can go to hell sir your jean is too tight
lady you are going to hell too how dare you show your hair and put on some nail vanish?
oh and you lady let me see , good , good , oh my god your hair is hidden , you must be a good muslim!!
here is the key to heaven t s all yours get in and be the virgin number 72 that your husband will enjoy eternally
please activate your brain cells and stop playing heaven and hell doorman , the decider , god on earthAre you crazywhat the bloody clothes got to do with it Are you crazy

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/22/2009 10:40 by marocain-09.
23 April 2009 09:56
Hi Marocain-09!

I'll answer only one question and the rest you'll find the answer in your comments according to your intention and interpretation.

Nigger is not something that I would say or even hint. A third of my country is black and approximately half of my relgion is black and I would never use such a derrogatory term not I am racist.

May Allah increase your knowldge and tolerance towards your people.

23 April 2009 21:57
I still think that the use of the word kafir , is wrong referring to people from other religion
we muslim beleive in other prophets
in judgement day it s up to allah SWT to make this distinction , but as long as we are on this planet
we should not reffer to any allah creature as kafir
i have a friend budist and an other one christian , their behaviour , values are better than a lot of muslims so may be who knows god is considering them good people
paradise is not exclusively for muslims ? correct me if i am wrong
24 April 2009 13:59
Allah has the answer for you in Surat Al-kafirun. Please read it.

As for paradise, Allahu Aalam.


25 April 2009 08:31
Allah has the answer for you in Surat Al-kafirun. Please read it.

As for paradise, Allahu Aalam.


yes God might have all the answers but he created us to go look for his answers.
it's for us to find out what God wants from us.
forget about paradise, we are on a journey to find out where we came from and what we got created for.
we exist thus there is a cause for our existance.
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