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Crise de l'électricité au Maroc
22 February 2007 20:11
Delay in the investments since 2002, consumption largely higher than the estimates… The justifications do not miss, but the report is there. From 2008 and over one period of at least 2 years, the Office will not be able to face the request any more. “On the short term, we are already in difficulty, it is necessary to react immediately for medium term, and of the investments impose themselves”, declares one with the Office. From where, inter alia, urgency of the power station Cape Ghir. Subject with polemic so much it is considered to be harmful with the environment (cf The power station, to build in the area of Agadir, is regarded as a national obligation by the Office, “We do not have the means of refusing a power station with the development which knows the Southern area” (growth of 11,3% of electric consumption against 8,1% at the national level, because of the tourist activities). With a random pluviometry and the absence of gas, coal remains the most interesting fuel with one kWh of most competitive. All the more, the Office underlines, which there is a technology today known as clean coal which makes it possible to minimize the environmental impact.

Another obstacle proposed by the national provider, the invoicing policy. The ONE is to some extent a “equalization fund”, the increase in the prices of fuels was not reflected on the tariffs taking into consideration “social” role of the institution. Consequence, the treasury takes a serious blow of it. This one combined with the blaze of the prices of fuels compromises the capacity of investment at one time when the need feels some.
Electric deficit, unballastings, cuts… These words are not without pointing out the crisis of the beginning of the Nineties which had struck industrial and economic fabric country. The situation had been very badly lived by the industrialists, more especially as the cuts were not announced in advance. To mitigate it, the operators casablancais had had to spend not less than 30 million DH for the purchase of power generating units (cf
Not question of reviving the same disorder. The ONE takes the bull by the horns and leaves in crusade. Objective: to minimize the damage on the level of the request. An emergency plan including as well the large accounts as the Residential one.

For the heavy industries, the exit would be the self-production. The Office already made promotion at the CGEM of it. The offer “Energipro” aiming at promoting renewable energies already conquered cement-manufacturers (cf Remain to concretize the promise of the government to raise the threshold of production to 50 MW, without which the proposal offers only thin advantages. A testing battery is also proposed to optimize consumption. “The problem is in “badly-consumption” is not in the level of consumption”, specifies one on the level of the ONE. The Optima offer proposes to help with better planning the stops of maintenance to tally with the difficult periods, to have diagnosis complete of consumption and quality of the installation and food.

The ONE will take also its stick of pilgrim to furrow the areas: sectoral meetings to sensitize with the supply-demand problems, the importance of obliterations in, plan peak period of adjustment of the load…

However, the peak of consumption is not in industry. The demand through the low tension is keenest. There too there is work. The introduction of the continuous schedule is for this reason an aubaine. The ONE leads more and more to the installation of GMT + 1 or to align itself on the European schedule. The government is there apparently very sensitive. Lighting representing the essence of the residential invoice, the use of the bulbs low consumption is also encouraged.

Under these conditions, can one always consider the liberalization of the sector? Announced many times, it appears compromised today, at least all the time of the crisis.

What to make in 2008?
Which alternative to the announced crisis? To hope for an abundant pluviometry to feed the hydroelectric stoppings? In 2006, exceptional year, the total reserves of the hydroelectric stoppings reached 6,5 billion m3, against 4,9 billion in 2005. With 1.585, 3 GWh, the hydraulic production contributed to a total value of 7,2% in the satisfaction of total energy injected. We will not be able to probably hope some as much in 2007.

Quid of the interconnection? This one guaranteed not the perennial food of way and depends on the needs and the production of our Iberian neighbors. One too cold winter on other side of the Mediterranean, requiring efforts in heating, or a too hot and animated summer, are likely to compromise this mode of provisioning. An alternative too much random. Ultimately, the ONE preaches a responsible consumption which implies everyone
24 February 2007 01:26
Smart and interesting post.

The problem should be tackled on both fronts. Supply and demand.

A huge quantity of new built housing , villas, touris resorts is expected in Morocco. Maybe there should be some kind of incentive to build bio-sustainable housing. Modern tecnologies are currently available to make fairly carbon neutral and energy efficient housing. Unfortunately I am not aware these are currently been promoted in Morocco.

As a country it seems Morocco has learned from the mistakes from Spain, Bulgaria and the likes, when it comes to property development. I can only applaud the low rise, low density approach used in Morocco. It would be nice to add the energy efficient bit, to really show a new kind of long term, sustainable property development market.

I would like hear your thoughts.

26 February 2007 17:49
I don't think in Morocco there is an irresponsible use of electricity. In fact most people are wary of the high prices and are very careful. That of course makes the problem appear more serious and the resort developments are going to make things worse.

I do hope that the Moroccan government will react to this smartly.
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