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Dangerous propaganda against muslims !!!
29 November 2006 09:30
29 November 2006 13:47
Hi Krim,

Interesting website, full of fabrications from facts bent and twisted to fit their views, an extreme talking to another extreme and we're stuck in the middle.
Thanks for the info.
29 November 2006 15:33
The is pure propaganda just like at the time of the Nazis, exactly the same between the lines you read "we're superior because our god preaches peace, their god preaches war". Now who started the war? who's got the name peace in religion? the funny part is when they mention CAIR has a strong influence on washington... I always thought it was AIPAC!!!
29 November 2006 16:54
really rediculouse webe site sorry....
29 November 2006 17:34
In the thirties the Nazis had that slogan on their banners and in their songs: "Deutschland erwache!" "Germany wake up!"
29 November 2006 17:52
Dear Ilhem2,
I did not post this link to anger people. However, it is important to know how US citizens are manipulated.
I can tell you many swallow all these fabricated lies. It is rediculous for you because you are aware and well informed but how about all these rednecks out there.
You are right in comparing with nazi Germany.
30 November 2006 13:00
Dear Ilhem2,
I did not post this link to anger people. However, it is important to know how US citizens are manipulated.
I can tell you many swallow all these fabricated lies. It is rediculous for you because you are aware and well informed but how about all these rednecks out there.
You are right in comparing with nazi Germany.

Dear Krim,

I didn’t say your post makes people angry and I’m not angry of it at all…my critic was against the web site not you of course…it’s true that’s dangerous but only if we give it more importance that it should be…..if you surf a bit on the net you will find same propaganda web sites against America made by radical Islamic people….
30 November 2006 15:41
Currently there is a wave of "islamophobia" around the network. Recently I received a set of slides, depicting a boy with his arm overrun by a car and a person next to him holding a microphone... do you know what was the title of the email I received? "Cruel religion". I angered me a lot. I analyzed every single PPT, to find proof that that was not real. Our religion protects children, women and the elderly. Finally, I found what I was looking for. But not everybody does that. We are bombed with information, and WE should select what to beleive, but unfortunately there are millions out there that just absorb anything you give them, whether true oe a lie.
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