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The De-Arabization of the Arab League
13 August 2006 05:01
It's a lucid analysis from a journalist based in Ramallah. Basically, it spells out what we already think, the pan-arabic pipe dream died a long time ago giving way to nation-states disconnected from each other. As I already stated here, the attempt to revive that, by underlining the islamic link has failed as well. My belief is that we should look at the European Union as a model to construct regional entities with economical ties, strong enough to keep us from fighting each other because the stakes would be too high. As far we are concerned, I'm hoping that our squabbling with the Algerians could stop so that we can enter a phase a economical cooperation and be the first building blocks of a north-african union.

Here's a reality check :

13 August 2006 15:50

It is a dream that we will not see within the next millinium ..first we need to think about building a democracy within our nations then see whether we can build a union..words will not change the situation actions order to do that u need honest hard working people ..who will devote themselves to work for the others,,,at the present time I don't think that there is enough winking smiley leaders around who will do that...the south americans have tried to do that in the last 3 months ...still no success...and will not see one as long as the USA adopts and uses the Monroe Doctrine as a way of justifying their Foreign policies. I'm not pessimitic but I it is a fact and we have to go back to them without lying to ourselves. we have to be realistic and I am pretty sure that u r all clever enough to realise that. what will it take..a loads of humain sacrifice...History repeats itself..look at what the Europeans had to go through in order to build their civilisation ...a loads and endless revolutions and humain sacrifice..and fighting for justice...can we do that ?? if so ...When? long will it take? and How? questions to be answered in the future smiling smiley at the present time we just have to keep educating ourselves and our kids and hope for a change to come as soon as possible ..for the sake of our next generation ..ours is already gone and done with smiling smiley
13 August 2006 17:47
Relief, I am betting that the algerians leaders will not take advantage of the oil bonanza that has started, the barrel will reach 100 US$ by mid-2007 and will continue to rise. However the party will be over within the next 15 years, the Generals would have maybe paid part of their debt and squandered the rest. Then reality will slap them in the face, maybe we'll start talking seriously about uniting because it would be in their interest. Our country deprived of any oil revenue is betting on tourism and the brains of its citizens, when the oil party is over we'll be talking as equals but I agree that now with the Sahara issue still not resolved it's utopian.
14 August 2006 00:45
Hi all,


I agree with you in many points...however I don't think hope is enough's also not necessarly to have a revolation in order to acshieve a positive change....South Corea is an exemple....we also don't need to wait for the next generation then each generation pretends the next one will be's never too late if we want.....
14 August 2006 18:20
Relief, I am betting that the algerians leaders will not take advantage of the oil bonanza that has started, the barrel will reach 100 US$ by mid-2007 and will continue to rise. However the party will be over within the next 15 years, the Generals would have maybe paid part of their debt and squandered the rest. Then reality will slap them in the face, maybe we'll start talking seriously about uniting because it would be in their interest. Our country deprived of any oil revenue is betting on tourism and the brains of its citizens, when the oil party is over we'll be talking as equals but I agree that now with the Sahara issue still not resolved it's utopian.

I agree with u Ilhem that We need a revolution....first we can not under-estimate the situation...people have tried and tried a loads of times and they ended up being murdered...we don`t even remember the sacrifice they have long as we live in a state of fear..I don`t think we can achieve that unfortunately...Education is the other option at least we can give a bit of hope to the next generation....It is a sad sad that I hate to think about it sad smiley but we hope and pray to god that justice can be achieved and done one day smiling smiley
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