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death threats because of a book
20 April 2009 17:53

last week it was an interview on arabia channel with a lady author called WIDAD LOUTAH a mohajjaba lady you don t see much of her apart from the eyes , she published a new book about sex education , i managed to get a copy from ebay , there is a war in the arab world against this book
in this book this lady who used to work as a teacher just talking about the society where she is living , in her case UAE , she left her job as a teacher and started helping families as a psychotherapist , giving advice a form of counselling
in her book she is talking about :
paedophelia and how there are thousands of cases of kids been abused sexually by their fathers and because of the culture no one talk about this
she talked in details about homosexuals
lesbians , how families are broken , torn because a lot of men who are gay are forced to get married to women and the result is always tragic in some cases the husband (homo) kills his wife)
i don t know what is the fuss about , no one could deny that paedophilia , homosexuality , lesbianisme exist all over the world , isn t it better to discuss the society problems instead of brushing everything under the carpets
how a paedophile will be punished if the culture is protecting him , in some cases the mother has witnessed the father abusing his kid but she can not talk because it s hchouma sad smiley, the reputation of the family
if this brave author is killed which is more likely because a lot of fondamentalists all over the arab world are saying it s ok to kill her , is that mean that paedophiles won t t exist , homosexuals won t exist
Definitely this brave lady has touched a sensitive nerve and any sheikh who encouraging her killing there is no other explanation apart from that he has somthing to hide himself

this is illustrate the freedom of speech sad but true

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2009 06:01 by spring2009.
22 April 2009 16:07
Boring!!grinning smiley
22 April 2009 18:12
UAE may have the money but they still illeterate badouines

if you dress a monkley with nice clothes it will still a monkey , they don t like to see their faces in the mirror and that what this woman is doing

al mzwe9 mn braa ach khbarek mn dakhil Danse
28 April 2009 10:51
HI !!!

I don't find this subject boring. On the contrary it's very interesting to deal with subjects like these because it means that someone is figthing for justice. To say that it is boring means that we don't want to care about that because we are not concerned with it.

The problem in our society is that people don't talk about pedophilia because sex is a taboo subject even if there is a crime committed against a child.

I understand that it is difficult to talk about some subjects because in our education we don't talk about that freely but when a crime is committed towards a child I think that people shouldn't remain silent any more and should talk about it to protect the victim and punish the author of the crime.

A lot of children live in terror because they live with a person who abuse them all their childhood.
When they grow older some do everything to fight against pedophiles so that other children or their own chidren do not experience what they went through but some reproduce the same process against other children and even their own child. Some become criminals and kill people because they didn't get any psychological help.

As for homosexuals and lesbians we can't deny that they have always existed and they will always exist.
Denying or refusing their existence in Muslim societies does not resolve the problem. It creates more problems because often men mary women they don't love and mainly they are ashamed that their families know who they are exactly. Sometimes it ends up in disaster. Some men kill their wife or go with other men to satisfy their oppressed desire. I 'm a Muslim and by saying that I don't say that homosexuality should be accepted. What I want to say is that it 's not a solution to hide them and pretend that they don't exist in Muslim societies. Solutions shoud be found to avoid disasters such those I have quoted above.As a consequence it engenders illnesses such as Aids because in these societies a lot of people are not informed with the existence of Aids and others sexual illnesses.

I don't think that the author of the book is for homosexuality. She urges societies to realize that it is a real problem and that it must be taken seriously to help the victims.
Killing her would be a fatal error. Why don't they want her to talk about existing problems ?
What are they afraid of ? The reasons they evoke are not valuable....
29 April 2009 01:54
Look at the source of the info and you will understand the propaganda in this.
They are doing the same thing some muslim fanatic lunatics are doing.
if we call Qaeda, Taliban Terrorists, why can't we call these fanatic evangelical sionists terrorists?
Look what they are advertising.

no more islam:

we kicked your ass in 6 days muslims:

no more mosques:

nothing against any religion, but they are all sick.
you have to have an IQ of a baboon to even visit such sites.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 01:56 by FreeThinker.
29 April 2009 11:23
free thinker , whats that got to do with the price of potatoes ?
comme on dit en francais: tu sautes du coq a l ane
THATS a separate subject you are talking about
i did see the interview with this teacher , she hasn t got a bad bone in her , her goal is to help abused children by their brothers and fathers because even their mothers are unable to talk
paedophelia exist , no society christian , muslim , jewish , budhist is paedophelia free
the problem with some societies is they like to portray themselves as saints , they don t give a shit if children are abused by their fathers , the main thing is to keep it secret
those so called imams who give fatwas to end someone s life because of their opinion need to be locked up for life , thats encouraging murder and justifying it by religion

paedophelia is a very serious problem specially in those silent societies , we can not accept the abuse of little babies and not even have the right to talk about it thats MONKAR

execution of those monsters is the least it could be done , some of those imams think it s fine to abuse a little girl or a boy aren t they the ones who are encouraging marriage with little girls as young as 6 years , how could be turn on by a 6 yr still playing with her doll

shame on them they make me sick

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 11:27 by marocain-09.
8 May 2009 11:54
It's not really that easy to talk about such a sybject, in my opinion the real thing that should be fixed is our selfs-as a muslims- we don't know anymore how things should be, there are some kind of sins that really no one -humain being- would accept to forgive, if you are sick and acting badly you should be taken to a hospital, but if you are normal, then you really have to start thinking about fixing yourself to be good, to be good for yourself befor you will be foranyone else.
we should start thinking about how realy thing should be.
if i am using "you", it's that i am talking to myself more than to any other personne.
May Allah forgive us for all the sins we make.
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