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Democracy in Morocco
15 July 2006 00:04
this is a video for a start, before your opinions

15 July 2006 01:16
Ok, I'd love to get into a debate, but since I can't read arabic, what was written on the screen ?
What is alkhilafa ? The singing reminds me of those psychos blowing up everything in Irak and broadcasting it on the net. If that's them or anywhere near their ideology, I'm not sure they are qualified to speak of democracy.
From what I gathered, they were students being evicted from a university, was that it ?
23 July 2006 04:13
From what I gathered, they were students being evicted from a university, was that it ?
They are receiving cokies at the door come-on man!!, I don't care who is broadcasting it, that is inhumane,
And I have seen first hand 1975 how theses ignorant soldiers and police man can be so brutal you will think that they are not human at all.or have no feeling at all.
I just hit the police and gendarmerie in morocco, I have to argue with them every single time a I go for a visit the always asking for Bribe.There fames line is “ radi lassa9lak che touhma le trabbrek tol hyatak”
23 July 2006 04:54
baba123, of course it's inhumane, my concern is if it's used in some sort of propaganda ploy. But to add to the debate, my cousin, who was a student at Casablanca university, explained to me once how the police or "semi" as they were called, were brought to the university 12 hours prior to the assault, they were left there with no food or water in their buses, under the sun. After 12 hours of that treatment, they were like mad dogs unleashed on the students, all they wanted was to get it over with, whatever the cost.
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