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Democracy in Morocco
15 August 2009 06:03
It's an insult to the noble cause of democracy to claim that Morocco is a democracy.
Democracy my ass.
What's ur definition of democracy?
Moroccans were born free, the word Imazighen means free people.
How did we turn into slaves?
And some say don't blame the Mekhzen.
F.u.c.k El Mekhzen, El MGHARBA dima 3asho 7rar.
F.u.c.k El Mekhzen.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2009 06:05 by LibrePenseur.
16 August 2009 20:10
Why u say such things, are u not afraid, that the DST, will catch u. Lookout what u write.
17 August 2009 13:44
Why u say such things, are u not afraid, that the DST, will catch u. Lookout what u write.
Why did i say such things?
Cause it's the truth, hello, it's 2009 and Morocco is still living like it's 1600's and Mouly Ismael is still Sultan.

wash ghi ntaya tatkhaf men DST and Mekhzen tishab lik kolshi LMgharba are like you?
F**** DST and F**** Mekhzen, they don't scare me!!!
I was not born in Morocco, my wife was not born in Morocco, my kids were not born in Morocco and both my parents hold American Passports.
DST and Mekhzen scares people like you who show them too much respect but people like me could give f**** plus where my ancestors came from, they never gave shit about Mekhzen, ur so beloved Mekhzen was too scared to go to my village, go and read history of Zayani people and how they intimidated ur beloved Mekhzen.

Ghalek makheftish men DST ?
pffffffffffff...L'khawf ghi men sidi rebi, the rest can all go to hell and long live democracy.
DST can kiss my ass for all i care, im not a wimp like you fool.
Listen to the lyrics, they might give you some illumination, some courage and might even free your mind from mental slavery and and might even get you to speak ur mind up before you die from old age but still be remembered as a coward who never had the courage to stand up against the injustice.
Im Moroccan like you but im innocent from the moroccans who think like you.
Long live freedom, long live liberty and long live democracy.

17 August 2009 15:02
Ghalek makheftish men DST?
AL KHAWF MEN ALLAH SOBHANAHO WA TA3ALA and not from any human being, after i die im not gonna be judged by DST, the Mekhzen or the king, im gonna be judged by Allah the Almighty and Allah is not blind nor does he like the cowards or the hypocrites and im not a coward and certainly not a hypocrite..

Allah gave us 3 choices:
wa man raae minkom monkar, fal-yoghairho biyadih.
wa in lam yastati3, fa bi lissanih.
wa in lam yasti3, fa bi9albih, wadalika ad3afo al iman.

Im not a preacher nor imam nor do i pretend to be one, but we will all die one day and face Allah.
So why should i give shit about DST while seeing the injustice aginst my people?
17 August 2009 19:21
Im not born in Morocco, but i know alot of storries. I visite every year Morocco,and what i see there scared me .
19 August 2009 23:32
Hi !

The word Democarcy doesn't exist in Morrocco. Every organ of the governement is corrupt that 's why people don't want to vote. What is the point of voting in such a country when you now that during the 2002 elections the King didn't take into account the choice of the population and filled the cabinet with his own cronies. The term Democracy is just an illusion to make us think that Morrocco is a free country. And yet, when he came to power he promised a lot of change for the inhabitants of Morrocco.

When you visit Morrocco the first thing attracting your attention are beggars, poverty and pollution.

What is the future of Morrocco ? What about the right of the population and their health. Why are they all dreaming of America, France, Germany, England...?

WHy do they risk their life to cross the sea ?

Would you escape a country where you're free, where you would be able to bring everything necessary to the well being of your family. I don't think so and please don't mention the Word democracy when you're talking about such a country...

Bye !
20 August 2009 11:05
hi there
this forum is not for political debates ok
we re not in a parlimentNo no
20 August 2009 16:44
Hi Salma !

Do people only deal with policy in ParliameHeunts ?
21 August 2009 16:31
well that s not what i meant really
but you know we re here to discuss some social subjetcts not political problemsHeu
24 August 2009 11:34
hi there
this forum is not for political debates ok
we re not in a parlimentNo no
Listen pussy cat.
is there something in life u do like u little brat or was it all given to you in a golden spoon?
as i can see, all u do is freaking complain like you're the prima donna of Meknes city, u're always like, i don't like this, i don't like that and i want this but i don't want that, my dad is this and my mum is that..
well, listen u little princess and listen well !!!
get a f**kin grip on ur life, u are as boring as a cucumber and u complain worse than a crack hoe.
my father is this, my mother is that,..we live in a villa, we are super rich...blah blah blah
who gives f**k?
i don't.
Salma, please do us a favour, go shave ur legs, get a manicure and let some gay coiffeur pick ur pubic hair one by one to make it look perfect.
But pretty please, stay the fu*c* away from politics.
u don't know shit about politics.
worry about ur body and ur looks fille a papa and forget about politics.
when people talk about shit u don't understand, u zip it girl.
25 August 2009 11:04
i ve been reading all of your comments and i will copy them so my husband see them
and we ll see who gave you the right to insult people that you dont even know
LE3ROUBIAre you crazy
25 August 2009 19:30
i ve been reading all of your comments and i will copy them so my husband see them
and we ll see who gave you the right to insult people that you dont even know
LE3ROUBIAre you crazy
Are you high on crack?
How could i be 3roubi?
Im not Arab.
Im Amazigh, son of Moha-Hamou Zayani.
My ancestors are not arabs, they are Imazzighen.
Imazzighen from the middle Atlas are not fake, they have hot blood and ur so called husband would be cut into pieces and sent back to you by UPS if he tries to fight me trying to defend ur stupidity.
Sit tight little girl before you get ur husband hurt.
You don't know shit about the people from the Atlas Mountains, when we sing and dance, we sing with passion and dance with passion, but when we go to war, people will have to die, and if an Amazigh goes back to his mother alive from war, she would kill him from shame cause he was supposed to die in war.
And u think ur boyfriend, ur dad or brother would scare me?
Only Allah scares me and my people.

26 August 2009 10:42
attention dear readers
can you please ignore librepenseur
i ve reported him to the webmaster
and he ll be banned next time if he keeps insulting people
26 August 2009 16:32
attention dear readers
can you please ignore librepenseur
i ve reported him to the webmaster
and he ll be banned next time if he keeps insulting people
im leaving this english forum for u salma.
are u happy now?
ciao ciao..
26 August 2009 18:50
attention dear readers
can you please ignore librepenseur
i ve reported him to the webmaster
and he ll be banned next time if he keeps insulting people

Are serious Salma ?moody smiley

I 've read some of his answers and it's true that sometimes it happens to him to be impolite. I don't always agree with the way he talks but read the answers he gives to some posts and you 'll see that he often says interesting things.

Bye !
27 August 2009 11:00
hi there
i m just expressing my opinoin sister
and to be honest i dont like him at all because of the previous insults that he s been making against meNo no
4 February 2011 21:20
Hi! libre penseur

it looks like your not amazigh at all as amazigh people are polite nice and educated you are just using profanity that tells us first that you have no education what so ever plus no respect and that reflect your parents with all my respect and by profiling your hate and words you look like you are just a teenager that need his fact to be put together.
first you need to search about democracy definition and understand that none of the muslim countries is ready or will be ready for democracy as part of that is a total freedom of expression and for example it will take that homosexuals will have right to do what ever based on that and that 90% of us are muslims if you know that ....and more sttaf this is just a little grain of what a democracy can do to an arab country or muslim one the list is long and I do not have all the time to explain it to you bottom line what we need it's a mix between shari3a and democracy let's call it for now shemo3racy.
9 February 2011 11:14
librepenseur you are not an arab not amazigh not morrocan maybe you are ziyani origine born in america and because you are "ould lahrame" that why you are talking bad things about morocco. if you are not afraid about DST give your phone number or adress and you will see what will happen to you. DST are here to protect all moroccan young old poor rich...
Kellya maybe you are related to librepenseur. is he your brother ?
if you give your adress it's me that I will come and look for you where ever you are.

to be continued
9 February 2011 14:04
ssaid you do not have to use profanity like he does he has no culture what so ever so do not lower yourself to him it looks like he has no knowledge at all he is taking couple words that he heard in al 9AHWA and trying to use them. plus klam zan9a do not even bother with him...DST they do have better things to do than pay attention to him...

thank you
10 February 2011 10:52
Gentle Reminder gentlemen this topic is since 2009
So I really doubt that he read your answers lol
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