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Democracy! what is it anyway?
29 June 2007 21:42
I always have been questioning the idea behind the 'ideology of democracy'. Is it a Utopia constructed to disguise other things? is it an idea that simply distinguish the rich from the poor or capitalism from other ideologies? What does it really do for us as an individual and as a society?
Chokran as dima
29 June 2007 23:27
I always have been questioning the idea behind the 'ideology of democracy'. Is it a Utopia constructed to disguise other things? is it an idea that simply distinguish the rich from the poor or capitalism from other ideologies? What does it really do for us as an individual and as a society?
Chokran as dima

Democracy means self-rule.

I think this is enough to answer your question.
30 June 2007 01:19
Salam all,
the best answer you're looking for ain't the one a Moroccan politico would tell nor any other arab politico, i guess Gaddafi got the answer in his "green book" !
2 July 2007 13:49
Indeed the green book explains it correctely and gives the procedures of how a society should be built, pity politicians do not use the book as a reference.
3 July 2007 02:22
Hi everyone,

democracy is where a government has been chosen in free elections and by the majority… the democracy can be achieved only when the elected government run the country without violating the human rights… respecting the freedom of speech ….social justice should be regarded…no big gap between the rich and the poor which means assuring more or less stable situation for everyone…it’s somehow a combination between good government….protection of individual rights, extremely broad political participation, and widely shared economic prosperity….
3 July 2007 14:36
Hi Ilhem,

you definition is thorough, complete and synthetised, bravo...
4 July 2007 01:23
Hi all,

Hi Ilhem,

you definition is thorough, complete and synthetised, bravo...

thank you Hicham_A.....

that’s the kind of democracy I wish to see in our country one day….the question is will that be possible ???...
4 July 2007 23:06
Assalam all
Thank you for your input. Much appreciated bizaf
However, if I may ask another question: Who elect our leaders (doesn't matter which country you can think off)? perplexe
4 July 2007 23:37
Democracy is a joke.

you lie to the people, and tell them that they are free, that they can choose...

it's like telling a slave that he can choose his master. but in the end, he is still a slave, with a master...

it's like when you tell a soldier that he was free to not join the army... but once the contract is done, he is property of the army.

it's a big joke. you draw an area on a map, and you call it a nation, and then you make some elections, and you give the power to the majority.
and of course, the majority can be manipulated with the media...

and in some countries, they can name a council to elect the new ruler. a bit like G.W. Bush in USA.

but if you arent looking for the perfect system. it's a good choice, it gives some stability.
but i doubt it, there is always a struggle for power inside the democracy...

a bit like in Israel. in Israel, the majority rules. but they are afraid of the Arab community, because they reproduce faster than the other communities. so... in 200years, they will be the majority...

so, some people think about a way to kick the Arabs out...

anyway... it's a system, with it's own advantages and drawbacks...
5 July 2007 15:22

So you think that Europenas are slaves?
5 July 2007 16:31
Passerby, yes i do...
i dont see them as free men. but dont be too hasty to judge me, their situation is much better than our situation...

but it's not that good... it could be much better.

but i think that their situation is pretty bad. i see that they have tons of money, of intelligent people, or resources... but they arent using the half of this.
and in the other hand, they are wasting a lot of things...

they are somehow living above their capabilities... i'm curious to see the results of an energy crisis in the future. or something of this kind...

right now, they are overpaid, it should be fine. but the day, they will receive the same amount as the people living in the poor countries... they will feel the real life... and it will hurt.

but democracy is a joke. why should i accept the votes of the others just because they were born in the same country as me?
i'm for a different kind of democracy... we win a lot by working together. but we dont have the right to push people to accept the choices of the others.
we have to grant them the right to live outside the system. they owe us nothing (i'm talking here about the minority who will never rule).
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