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Divorce law in Morocco
8 December 2012 02:05

First of all I am sorry that I can't write in French, so please accept my apologies.

I would like to know the divorce law in Morocco and how long it takes. I am an Indian and married a beautiful Moroccan girl, but due to some misunderstandings our marriage has ended (for her). I married her in January this year and she came to live with me in Saudi for almost 6-7 months and has returned back to Morocco.

Please let me know how I can help her in getting her wish to conclude this divorce. Do I need to travel to Morocco or can I send the papers from here. Honestly I am quite affected with this divorce and trying to gather my strength and finalize this as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance..
8 December 2012 06:18

I assume that you are married under Moroccan law. Well, things can be pretty complicated depending on the type of divorce you want to get, if you guys want to come to a specific agreement, with compensation or not etc.
I would definitely recommend travelling to Morocco to hire a good attorney and try to settle things down asap in person.

If you cannot or do not want to do so, you can still get all the information you need from the Moroccan Embassy or Consulate in Saudi Arabia (ask for an "Adoul" or representative).
Considering that you are married to a Moroccan national they can provide assistance or at least recommend attorneys in Saudi Arabia who are admitted to practice law in Morocco.

You can be the one initiating the divorce or just waiting for her to do so. You should think carefully about what you might want (strategy) because your decision can have a big impact on how thing are going to be handled and the potential outcome.

You might be able to get a divorce without doing anything if you agree to all her conditions. Not sure you are going to like them though...
Hope my answer helps, good luck.
8 December 2012 23:57

Can you please tell me what kind of conditions that she may have... We had no pre-conditions in the "Nikah" and I had paid the "Mahr" in complete infront of the adoul. We also do not have any kids in between and also is it possible for me to appoint someone in Morocco without me being present there.

Its really so difficult going thru this separation that I do not want to see her again if she really doesn't want us to be back together.

9 December 2012 05:00

I do not know exactly, it depends on your initial marriage agreement and what she might ask for the specific type of divorce she is opting for (mutual consent, for fault etc.). You might need to pay her an alimony and maybe other amounts etc.
Some persons can be more honest than others that's why you should be careful.

I think that it's possible to hire a Morrocan attorney from Saudi Arabia (just need to pay etc.). But it might be a better idea to consult an attorney admitted to practice law in Morocco currently working for a Saudi Law firm (there are lists you can find online). Such practitioners will then take care of all the formalities.

Hopefully you can get things done peacefully without having to go to Morocco.
9 December 2012 22:43
Thanks for your replies.. Much appreciated...

May God bless you.
9 December 2012 22:59

je vous conseille de demander a l'Administrateur de déplacer votre sujet
car il n'ai pas au bon endroit

--N° REZÉ: 2008X07719x -- [b][color=#0033FF][u]Ne Pas M'envoyer des MPs -- Ça BUG -- Merci[/u][/color][/b] -- --Dépôt dossier--22-12-2008 -- AF et MAE--23-03-2009 -- --Décret-N°23--du--30-05-09 -- CNI et Passeport --10-07-09 -- l’Ampliation --14-10-09 --
24 May 2015 10:15
To whom this may concern:

I would also like to have a divorce. I married a Moroccan women from Casablanca a few years ago in order to sort out the papers for my son who was born out of wedlock in 2002. Under Moroccan law, the state doesn't recognise children born outside of marriage, so hence my reason for marrying her. Now, I have all the corect paperwork from the courts, I am on my son's birth certificate and now in a position to divorce her. This was all agreed at the beginning, so the divorse should be mutually agreeable. I consulted my lawyer here in Marrakesh and he advised me that for the settlement and monthly maintenance payments, the courts would take into account your current salary, any assets bought or should during your marriage and the value of your company (I have a small management SARL here). Is this correct? And if any assets were bought or sold outside of Morocco, would this also be taken into account?

Any advice or previous similar cases would be most welcome. And my apologies also for not writing in French, too complicated for me!

With kindest regards

13 June 2018 14:06
Hello, I am an American woman.
I was married in Morocco to my husband in 2011. He is Moroccan. Most of our Marriage I lived there with him.
Reciently, 4 months ago, I needed to return to America for a surgery to my knee. Things were strained between us before I was injured. Now my husband is telling me he is considering to end our marriage. I wish to avoid any divorce under these circumstances. I am in fear he may try to divorce me while I am out of Morocco with out my consent. We do not have children, but he owns half of an agricultural company, and that company owns farm property in Morocco,
He has a distinctive car and I know the matriculation.
I was told he is moving everything we own to another house. I believe the house he has rented is in a small village outside of Marrakech near Ghmate, but I don't know how to find the exact location.
I am quite sick over this situation. I don't know what to do.
I really wish to prevent this divorce under these circumstances

Please, can you offer me advise.
1 June 2020 14:23
Salam Musharaff

I hope you’re living well in peace.

Please advise and guide me to overcome the situation . I’m also facing same issue.

Kind regards
25 July 2021 13:33
Dear Mr. Ben Ben Soussi

I advise you to remove this post forth. Ms Fletcher applied for divorce in August 2019 after the abuse she suffered from your verbal and mental behaviour. She paid for bailiffs to go to the door on your Moroccan ID card as stated as your address. The bailiffs were told that you were not living there. The divorce was not a mutual agreement, you forced Ms Fletcher to divorce you after she was aware that you had lied to her time and time over, gaslighted her into believing that it was, in fact, a true marriage despite your age difference. You targeted Ms. Fletcher because of her mental fragility, and verbally abused her in many circumstances, I have months and months of messages to prove this.
You made her unstable and believe she was doing wrong, months of cruel manipulation.
I have a signed statement from your employer supporting you to be of good character in order to obtain/complying to obtain a visa to The Netherlands, coupled with this, an invitation, obtained from the overseas visa office of an appointment to attend a pre-marriage interview at The Gemeente Hilversum. Both of these documents could be used as fraudulant. The Gemeente Hilversum has a sworn statement from you, translator present, to the effect that on your part this marriage was for all intents and purposes a true marriage. In the papers of chat, I have documentation where your own best friends admit they spoke with you and you admitted to it being a fraudulent marriage, a temporary marriage, and in your own words, that you admit to you scamming Ms Fletcher.
I have it on good authority that your family were not in agreement with what you were doing, and that you, yourself made it out that Ms Fletcher was helping you to leave Morocco. You say in the above statement you have little money as you were out of work, when in fact you were at the time employed by a company in Marrakech, riding bicycles, and making fun of Ms. Fletcher, or were you by that time flying high with Ryanair. According to your profile on one site, after you left Ms. Fletcher, you were working as a Cabin Crew attendant for them.
Ms. Fletcher was advised to make a case in the international fraud courts, you cost her a lot of money, a lot of ridicule, a lot of blame, shame, you cost her, her job, her son, her neighbors and many of her friends.
She does not even know I have found you here. I saw her story in a newspaper and contacted her. I came across many other stories similar to hers. Men and women like you who prey on vulnerable people to get an easy way out for a better life, then mock their victims and discard them. Then come here to forums like this and hope to look for a handout.

She never understood why you did what you did to her, why her? You were young, claimed to be smart, claimed to be confident, claimed to love yourself, claimed to be able to have any girl you could. Why did you not go about it the right way and find a young pretty girl and be happy? I guess you were not all that you claimed to be. You were too dominant, you wanted to be in control, not have a young wife and her family around.

And one thing, that did bother her for a while was, that you never ever did apologize to her for what you did. You never paid her back one cent for the thousands you took.
I just hope anyone reading this, who may have found themself in a somewhat similar situation can find some peace in the fact that they are not alone, they that they did not do anything wrong, that they were the victim to a person who thinks so highly of himself as you.
16 April 2023 16:18
The starting point, I would assume, is to know under which law was your marriage contracted. Were you married in Morocco or Saudi Arabia? There is an issue of residence to also consider as it affects jurisdiction of the courts. Assuming you are not yet assisted on your issue, we can talk further.
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