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Doctors Needed
26 August 2006 23:47
Hello Everyone,

I read in the news that Saudi Arabia has announced that the door is open for Moroccan doctors and nurses to come into the kingdom to work in the hospitals and medical centres. The Saudi Health Minister made this request to the Ministry of Health in Morocco and they gave him a primary approval. The request is still under discussions and lots of doctors have started calling the ministry asking about the request. If the Ministry gives the final approval to the Saudi Minister, what are the advantages and disadvantages of that move?? Do you agree on the approval and why???

I am seeking some opinions from everyone.

27 August 2006 02:12
It might be a good on a personal level for the prospective doctors, I assume the salaries are better in Saudia Arabia but are we training enough medical staff for our own needs ?
If not, than it'll be another a hemoragy of brains which we badly need. On the other hand, it's going to be another batch of MREs sending hard currency back into our economy. I suppose in the end, the economical aspect will outweigh the educational one, as always, it'll continue to be that way until our industrial income will surpass the MREs influx of money into the country.
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