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The Doha debates
28 February 2007 12:56
For those who don't have access to BBCWorld, here are some interesting debates organised in Qatar. The debators are prominent figures of the middle east. I've selected two of them, but you can browse the website and watch the others. You'll notice in the debate on extremism, the presence of our André Azoulay in the audience. Enjoy.

"Should women have full equality with men"

"On extremism"
20 March 2007 13:23
A new debate is online on whether the niqab is a barrier to integration in a western society, I remind you that all participants are muslims so this isn't muslim bashing. Worth watching.

28 March 2007 20:30
One of my favorite shows! Highly recommended.
8 April 2007 19:14
c' eet treé bien recer misse shirren mereci
12 April 2007 11:41
Hi everyone,


first of all thanks for the you really believe on the fact that Arab women should have "full" equality with men? that a joke !!!...look at the most Arab women in the western countries....the result of their equality with men is a disaster.....I think we need at least a couple of hundreds years just to understand what equality means!!!!......
12 April 2007 13:44
Hi Ilhem2,

Yes I think they should have full equality, legally speaking I mean. Do you know that in our country, until very recently, a testimony in court from a woman was worth half a testimony from a man ? Or that a woman could not travel on her own ?
I think it's medieval, it was not acceptable in the 20th century and it is certainly not acceptable in the 21st.

Like you said, equality to thrive and be fairly implemented needs education, otherwise it's disastrous. Remember also that in Europe, women weren't allowed to vote until the end of the WWII, look at them now.
But then again...they weren't dragging the weight of religion in their legislative system...
12 April 2007 23:36
This is a very interesting situation where a man is defending women's right to equality against a woman who thinks that's unconceivable smiling smiley
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