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driving cars
19 May 2009 15:01
the majority of people dont drive safely
and this behaviour could cause some very dangerous consequences
what do you think?perplexe
19 May 2009 15:09
HI Salma,

Hope you're doing fine.

Tell me, where do you get your inpiration from???

So many subjects!!!

I do drive but the word tends to become increasingly individualistic and not many people as before are willing to care about the others...

What a shame!

We should be extra careful and consider Life as a present.

Driving needs attention and care.


Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
19 May 2009 15:14
hi darling
thankx for your complimentsmiling smiley
well its just that i try to bring out some interesting subjectsBye
19 May 2009 16:43
deponds which country you are driving in and the culture of people , in europe not bad
in morocco it s like a battle field , i remember once i was in a taxi , no seat belt , the door has alittle wire to keep it together , he doesn t signal right or left , his finger is on some strange sounding horn which he modified it sound like an ambulance plus bad language
there are 4600 dead victims yearly in morocco because of accidents it s worst than iraq war
something need to change soonangry smileythey tried to introduce the point system on driving licence but people been demonstrating political parties trying to score points for election by opposing this perplexe
19 May 2009 17:48
hi there
that s right
it depends in which country you d be drivingCool
no more commentsNo no
20 May 2009 00:24
the majority of people dont drive safely
and this behaviour could cause some very dangerous consequences
what do you think?perplexe
I think we should go back to riding horses like our ancestors, just because the europeans drive cars we have to drive cars too?
Forget about cars, let create the first car that can fly..
why do we always have to adjust to the taste of the euro-trash.
Let them adjust to us, they did it before.
20 May 2009 12:17
well mr thinker
wether you like it or not
without the europeans and the americans and the japanese...
you would still be riding horses and (lehmir).(lebghal)..Clap.
so you should thank them really for bringing civilization into our societies
and not to criticise them
that s called jealousy manNo no
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