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Drums of War
17 November 2006 11:06
The israeli hawks and the neocons are pushing for another conflict. I have noticed in the past few days a media offensive on that subject, first a lengthy 1/2 hour report on BBC World, a few articles here and there, the usual "idea-planting" strategy.

This time Iran is the target, the hypocrisy is amazing given that Israel is sitting on the only nuclear warheads in the region. Officially, Israel does not admit it has a nuclear arsenal, if it wasn't for a whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, it would have taken another decade for the Israeli public and the world community to find out.

Iran has never said anything about military applications but talks about energy concerns. Even it was military, some US officials according to the BBC, have admitted the "fait accompli" and are factoring in, a nuclear Iran in their foreign policy, thinking that it might bring some sort of balance in the region. I can't figure out how but there it is.

A war would be catastrophic for the world economy, Iran is a major oil producer, it could halt part of the supplies by blocking the Ormuz straits and so on. But given the Iraq experience, neocons have shown an amazing ability to come up with schemes that have no regard whatsoever for world stability. Like I said earlier, a foreign policy thought up by a team of monkeys.

17 November 2006 11:51
What I think is that Iran cannot be compared to the case of Iraq. Iraq had sufferred 12 years of sanctions, Israel attacked some of the nuclear plants, knowing that there would be no retaliation. For Iran the case is different. the nuclear plants are spread around the country, and well protected. Iran always thought of Israel as an enemy, Iraq didn't. Let's think of it this way, Israel is the bully of the region, and Iran is the "bad boy".
17 November 2006 17:00
I’m always shocked when western governments talk about Iran’s possible nuke threat and wanting to keep the Middle East nuclear free without mentioning that of Israel. As if Israel is part of Scandinavia. Even worst, Israel, to keep its status of the strongest in the region is going to have to attack Iranian nuke facilities, and my God, the chaos that will bring with it is unimaginable, because Iran will throw all they have at them and Israel will do the same, I also believe that the west and the US, bit shy up to now to take on Iran, will assist Israel and come to its defense were this to happen. For the west, Iran will compare to Germany of the forties. Iran’s wild card is always the Hormuz strait, which they can apparently block without much effort, thus, crippling the west easy access to oil.
Let’s hope it will never get to that.
21 November 2006 20:25
A very instructive interview with Seymour Hersh on this issue, I highly recommend it just to see also the iranian ambassador's speech, an impressive and articulate man compared to Ahmadinejad, who by the way, should take lessons from his ambassador.

[] (video file)

[] (file source if the link doesn't work)
22 November 2006 23:26
owww come on...
Iran would need a miracle to survive a conflict with USA.
it's like a cold war army versus a modern army with stealth missiles and airplanes...

it will be a star trek style war, for afar...

but the "invasion" solution would be IMPOSSIBLE... to many soldiers in Iran for a ground attack. but when it comes to air superiority... USA can bring Iran into caves age in a year.

and i dont think that the russian scrap they bought would do any good to save them from destruction.

i fear a lot for Iran...
23 November 2006 12:15
Hi all,

owww come on...
Iran would need a miracle to survive a conflict with USA.
it's like a cold war army versus a modern army with stealth missiles and airplanes...

it will be a star trek style war, for afar...

but the "invasion" solution would be IMPOSSIBLE... to many soldiers in Iran for a ground attack. but when it comes to air superiority... USA can bring Iran into caves age in a year.

and i dont think that the russian scrap they bought would do any good to save them from destruction.

i fear a lot for Iran...

very entertaining picture eye rolling smiley...just like in science fiction Hollywood movies or in computer games....great imagination....don’t they say "imagination is more important than knowledge"....
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