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16 June 2009 17:56
eating in your opinion is it just FUEL ? OR ENJOYMENT ?moody smiley
16 June 2009 17:57
well it dependsperplexe
16 June 2009 18:03
i mean do you eat just because you have to or you eat to enjoy the food you are eating ,are you the type who make sure you treat yourself , decorate the plate and make effort for yourself or do you just say , it s just me why bother ? i am just reading an article in a newspaper and there was a survey about this
16 June 2009 18:09
well to be honest
when i m on my own at home i jsut make a quick sandwich
but when i ve got guests
i do make the effort of decorating the plates...smiling smiley
16 June 2009 18:12
i know we all do that but recently i started to make a bit effort i invite myself ptdri used to skip lunch becauase i don t like eating on my own but started to loose weight now i make sure i sit and take time and shew my food properly

life is short we need to spoil ourselvestongue sticking out smiley
16 June 2009 18:12
Well for me its all depends ,work day its just fuel ,but when you have time the enjoyment is in preparing the food before sharing it & being with a good company helps to turn it to a festivity !
16 June 2009 18:13
yes exactelywinking smiley
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