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english driving licence?
31 January 2008 19:15

I just want to ask a few questions about the English driving licence, i d like to come to work in september in london and i d like to have a few informations about the driving licence in Great britain.

-How much it is?
-How long?
-traffic law Is it easier than France?
-being French am i able to pass the english driving licence?

Thanks a lot!
1 February 2008 10:28
nobody? sad smiley
1 February 2008 15:58
If you have a French driving license you can drive indefinitely on that while in the UK. EEC licenses are universal - we still have our UK licenses although permanently resident in France for 5 years.
1 February 2008 20:13
El Gitano
If you have a French driving license you can drive indefinitely on that while in the UK. EEC licenses are universal - we still have our UK licenses although permanently resident in France for 5 years.

ok i know that.

i don't have a French licence, i want to know how to do have an English licence.
1 February 2008 22:55
Well, the first thing to do is to apply to take the written test. That has to be passed before you can take the driving test. (Once you have passed the written test I believe you have 1 year in which to pass the driving test - but check that out to be completely sure as I took mine a long time ago!) The written tests are held in most towns which have a driving test centre. Before you can take EITHER of these tests you need to apply for a 'Provisional' Driving Licence. I believe you can get a form to apply at the Post Office. Assuming you are already a driver (??) you can drive your own car as long as you have 'L' plates, insurance of course, and a full driving licence holder of at least 3 years sitting in the passenger seat to supervise you. Or of course you can take a few lessons with a driving school and when the instructor believes you are ready for the driving test you would then take the test in the tuition car. Hope this helps!
2 February 2008 10:50
Just another couple of points. How long?? That depends on your ability to pass the two tests. How much? I will see if I can find out and get back to you with the answer. How easy? Not a lot different from driving in France - mostly the same road signs etc. The one BIG difference (we found out to our cost!) is that in the UK there is no 'Priorite a droite'. This comes as a shock to many English when driving in France. Of course the other major difference is that you drive on the opposite side of the road and you have to get used to sitting on the right hand side of the car and shifting gears with your left hand - and don't forget to go round the roundabouts the opposite way. smiling smiley
2 February 2008 10:51
ok thank you for that, but what about the price?
2 February 2008 10:56
Do an MSN or Google search for DVLA (UK not French sites) That's the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. All the info you might need is on there. Good luck!
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