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3 November 2006 09:10
3 November 2006 13:30
Thanks Krim, it's reassuring to see people getting the message on enlightment instead of the hateful image some are projecting of us.
3 November 2006 15:46
salam alaykum


it is one good ex among others to show people who think that to be religious means tobe lazy ideology fanatic close mind disconnected from the problem surrounding the society ,reluctant to any other "scripture' and puzzled by so called "pragmatic thinking ' and who ever say something from Koran has no "opinion' or personality .they forget we are supposed to learn from all civilisations and make the Ijtihad on how we can get out of it some tool that help us to build our own civilization i know it is not easy thing but it is not impossible if we bound all together and saved our energy and forces .

may Allah yajazik krim for this posting
3 November 2006 16:47

reluctant to any other "scripture'

Still not understanding what I'm about, it's a shame you're not reading through more neutral eyes instead of being defensive.
3 November 2006 19:28
salam alayklum


Believe me based on your posting I know on what are standing, when u never miss opportunity or any news about misbehaved Muslim to make fun of religion of course using language and knowledge talents (that I can not deny),”attempt to put down” Muslims or even make people (to whom you keep clapping each time they agreed with u) think worse about “their “religion .and call for typical Ijtiihad that create empty muslim

May be your eloquency and being well informed about what is going around the globe make them just obsessed , has no personality whatever u said they reply Amen.

neutral eyes instead of being defensive

Let me rephrase it FOR YOU
“Be fair and neutral instead of attacking the Islam and Muslims”

In the other hand I am NOT against any Ijtihad that not,ignoring my indentity and my balance between din and dounya .

As you have all freedom (it sounds weird when it comes out from me eh!) to post what “you” think on this forum I have all the right to comments your posting .

i don’t have any attention to be mean with anyone incase my posting was offending to someone I will not hesitate to say I am Sorry forgive me .
3 November 2006 19:44

I don't make fun of religion, again you seem to be entrenched in your world and view everything not being the way you think as an attack.
I abhorr those who misrepresent islam, our religion is about inclusion not exclusion. I included the knowledge I was presented with, being born in Europe, and fused it with our culture, just as it has been done by our ancestors, that's how islam sore, that's how Morocco has always been a beacon.
You are have a protective posture, but hidden behind an intellectual shield, you can't absorb anything, that's what's hurting muslims.
I am really sad you can't see that. Ijtihad is all about learning, but to allow knowledge to sip through, you have to drop your guard.
You're not losing you identity by absorbing other knowledges or opinions, you're enriching it.
Hope you can see that someday.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/05/2006 12:07 by chelhman.
3 November 2006 21:31
Dear Sarah,
I personaly think that those who are highly critical to Islam are serving this great religion much more than those who are playing the great believers using their emotions and not their brains. By the way brains can also be shaped or confined in order not to be used.
With respect.


May a Muslim doubt and criticize the Quran and the prophet? I say they even must, if they first want to understand their own Islam and if they second want to prevent others from abusing Islam. For this, one needs knowledge, real knowledge, no breaking in or drill. One has to ask until one's questions are answered and one's doubts are either dropped or acknowledged. And this does not only hold for individuals, but also in the collective.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2006 10:02 by Krim.
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