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Esclavage sexuel
13 May 2007 01:03
13 May 2007 01:40
I don't know why don't they teach our kids that Morocco exports prostitutes like any other Moroccan product? well, folks we don't need a picture, Morocco is indeed number two when it comes to exporting prostitutes , Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Syria, Libya, Bahrain & even "Israel" is inviting'em to juice up their nights,... seriously, we've got a problem here , a shameful one: we Moroccans have lost our dignity for good, and sometimes i swear some Moroccans deny their nationality especially those who work in the Middle-east,...a man who's got no dignity's better off dead ! those girls who went to work elsewhere i mean their families have no dignity, i don't get it : how in hell a man allows himself to send his daughter, sister or any female member of his family to go work abroad? even poor families in countries like Yemen, Mauritania, Syria and palestine they don't do it ! why? they have dignity and that's what life is all about ! why only Morocco ? what a pain in the ...!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2007 11:58 by shelby.
13 May 2007 02:06
Hi all,

the only possible solution in my opinion is to improve the country so we can have educated people who would be able to educate our girls…I don’t see any other option for this really annoying phenomenal….but till then we’ll still be labeled as a prostitution’s country……not much to do about it unfortuntly.....
13 May 2007 12:32
i'm sorry to say it but it looks like we've got prostitution in our blood, look at what's happening in AlAtlas region, Marrakesh & many other parts in Morocco, i swear to Allah it's worse than what you think, for decades these places are known for prostitution, it's like a legacy, a heir handed down from olders to youngers, Morocco's gone with the wind folks ! let's pray Allah Almighty for a miracle to happen !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2007 06:58 by shelby.
14 May 2007 17:39
well your totaly right, morocco is lost in this case.

15 May 2007 00:25
monsters... we sold out our souls for money... we should send troops on these worthless scum...

our country should cut all relation with these countries until they send us the heads of the people responsible of this... monsters, bastards...

the blind lady of justice looking the other side when you put money on the balance...
15 May 2007 01:55
not only that, we got a nice 3000 girls who work in "Israel" as prostitutes of course , picture this: one "muslim" girl who sleeps with a hog ! it's the scoop of the History of Muslims, made by Morocco ! ........ "al maghrib ajmal balad fi al3alam ! " the b***rd who first invented this motto must be loaded and surrounded by a bunch of chicks when he thought about it !
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