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europe is making some strict laws against imigrants
24 June 2009 11:24
hi there
it looks like imigrants are no longer welcome in europe
what happened to moroccans in spain was very sadcrying(
24 June 2009 13:19
in my opinion those moroccan terrorists who bombed Madrid trains are responsible for this , they helped fueling hate against moroccans so restrictions and new immigration laws are inevitable
24 June 2009 14:17
yeah but let s not say that all the imigrants are bad peopleNo no
24 June 2009 16:25
some immigrants who don t respect the law of the country which welcomed them and offered them a house and best health care ruin it for others

when a moroccan abroad kills civilians it gives bad name to all moroccans
there are immigrants who just want to earn some money but others destroy their image by terrorist attacks

i blame the bad apples those who ruin the image of religion and morocco
24 June 2009 17:04
in that case i m with youthumbs up
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