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did u ever get like this ......
10 November 2007 15:34
Dear Friend,

I am Karl U. Newe, a solicitor at law. I am the
personal attorney/sole executor to the WILL of late
client's worked as an independent oil Business
magnate in my country and who died in a car
crash with his immediate family on the 5Th of Nov
2005. Since the death of my client in Nov, 2005,I have
written several letters to the embassy with an intent
to locate any of his extended relatives whom
shall be claimants/beneficiaries of his abandoned
Funds and all such efforts have been to no avail.

I decided to contact you so that we can talk and see
how we can both put heads together and achieve this.

Please note that i do understand that base on what is
going on all over the Internet world people find it
difficult to assist in issue like this but i assure
you that you will not regret assisting me.

On this note, I wish to present you to the finance
company, as the surviving relative to the decease so
that we can put in claims for payment with your name
as the beneficiary of the fund.

I will appreciate if you can send me the following,

1.Your Full Names
2.Your current Mobile telephone and fax numbers
3.Your age
5.Your Current address

This will enable me file necessary documents at
our high court probate division for the release of
this sum of money in your favor.

I intend to invest my shares in your country under
your management in any viable business venture.

I will send you more details as soon as I heard from

Yours faithfully

Karl Newe

so what do u think
10 November 2007 15:55
Hi Souado,

It's a scam, it's the nigerian scheme, much like the letter where you're told that someone has zillions of dollars and needs your help to transfer them. Don't bother, file it under "junk mail", it should be filtered next time.
11 November 2007 13:14
Hi Souado,

It's a scam, it's the nigerian scheme, much like the letter where you're told that someone has zillions of dollars and needs your help to transfer them. Don't bother, file it under "junk mail", it should be filtered next time.

that's what i did ,junk mail evil
11 November 2007 16:51
oh why ? send them a reply maybe you will have mucho dineros grinning smiley
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
11 November 2007 18:25
I get them all the time, just ignore them, it's the Nigerians li ma 3ndhoum chghoul.
11 November 2007 18:32
Very dangerous people. You do not need to reply, just delete and ignore. Many got in trouble with these people.
11 November 2007 22:27
Recently some moron wired them like US$200K from a government city fund and he was later busted for it. I don't know what he was thinking.
11 November 2007 23:02
Be very wary of these scams. This one is obvious. How about the less obvious ones, like the emails that say that they got your information from a legitimat source, and want to hire you as a money "manager", and the latest one is the "Paypal money manager" where they request you to perform money transfers for their "clients". Be very vigilant of these idiots, they even have a nice looking website with address, phone, make it look legitimate.
13 November 2007 00:09
i watched a program the other day about this these policemen were replying to these nigerians scammers for about a month , then they flew all the way to nigeria until they cought them sitting in this mesirable internet cafe,a group of young nigerians thugs unemployed and professionals in stealing money
they are giving africa a bad sad smiley name
14 November 2007 23:47
I get them too + Paypal ,from "banks" .....
Many other scams like sending you a cheque exceeding the amounts for the goods you selling on Ebay & asking you to give the diffrence to a you loose your Car ! & the money ................
once the bank realised the cheque they payed you was a photocopy ..........
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