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17 November 2005 22:42
salamsmiling smiley voila, j'ai un exam d'anglais très bientôt (initiation) et je n'arrive toujours pas à faire la différence entre le past perfect, continuous et simple. vous pouvez me l'expliquer,s'il vous plaît? avec des exemples surtout!
quand je dis "when i went home, my father had cleaned allt the house", c'est du past perfect ou du simple?et quand je dis "she was drinving to the airport, c'est du past continuous?
merci à vous

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2005 10:43 by khira.
17 November 2005 23:27
Salam la miss smiling smiley,

"when i went home"
Ici, "went" est le past simple (=prétérit) du verbe to go..
Pour le reconnaître c'est simple, il suffit de savoir qu'il se termine par -ed pour les verbes réguliers, ex: Carrefour opened its first hypermarket in 1970!
Après, pour ce qui est du cas des verbes irréguliers, il faut les connaitre par coeur..

"my father had cleaned allt the house"
Ici, il s'agit du past perfect car il est formé de l'auxiliaire have au prétérit + le verbe se terminant par ed! Il est surtout utilisé lorsque tu rends compte d'une action antérieure.
ex: He had never worked before.

"she was drinving to the airport"
Oui, c'est bien du past continuous.. celui ci est facilement reconnaissable, puisqu'il est composé de l'auxiliaire be au prétérit + le verbe se terminant en ing.
One step forward and two ahead...
18 November 2005 13:25

Quand utiliser chacun ?

j utilise le past continuous pour une action qui "a dure un bon moment dans le passe"

he was driving for hours.

Le simple past pour une action passee, simplement et purement :

he was sick

le past perfect cest quand tu as deux actions dans le passee, ou une a ete delimite par une autre toujour dans le passe et toute les deux ne sont plus valide dans le temps present

I had been desperated until he saw his brother.

ici been desperate and saw his brother sont deux actions finies dans le passee mais been desperate a ete "coupee" par laction de "saw his brother"

jespere que ca aide smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2005 06:54 by ZouhairIbnouAbiSalma.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
18 November 2005 15:14
plus simple on peut dire

simple past:
action comence ds le pase et terminer ds le passe.
I was sick. mais maintenant je suis en bonne sante
I liver in morocco. mais maintenant je suis plus au maroc.

past perfect:
action a commencer ds le passer et tjr active ds le present

I have been living in danmark for 12 years. veux dire j ai vivait au danmark 12 ans mais je vis tjr au damark.

i have been playing football for 20 years.. veux dire j ai jouer le foot 20 ans mais je jeux tjr jusque maintenanat.

I guess Zouhair had give you a nice expination too ..


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2005 03:36 by aziz_dk.
18 November 2005 17:02
salamsmiling smiley
merci à vous, je comprends beaucoup mieux. reste plus qu'à appliquer les règlessmiling smiley
18 November 2005 18:54
bonne chance !
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
18 November 2005 20:02
salam khira,

before we start verifying the tense of the verb,you have to know first what kind of clause is this sentence? .clauses can be either dependent or independent
independent clause are a complete sentenses they do not need another clause to be fully unterstood. dependent clauses, on the other hand do need another clause to be fully unterstood. sentences made up an independent and dependent clause introducing by a subordinate conjunction are called complex sentenses ( a peu pres comme les phrases relatives en francais).... .there are a lot of types of a clauses
adjective clauses , noun clauses, adverb clauses:

in this sentence:"when i went home, my father had cleaned all the house",

the type is an adverb clause more specifficly "adverb clause of time" introduced by when(like our sentence)wenhever, before, after, as, as soon as, while, since, until.these clauses answer the question"when?"

when we reduce the amount of tv violence,we will begin to see a decline in violent crime.

when we go out to see a film,we regard it as a special activity.

alicia was making coffee when the phone rang.

this sentence :"when i went home, my father had cleaned all the house",

is in the past and when we talk about two actions happened in the past we use the past perfect to show that something happened before a specific time in the past.

Tom had already studied chapter 1 before he began studying chapter two
be careful with "when" notice the two meanings of the following two sentences with "when":

when the show ended,she left.
this is similar in the meaning to
As soon as the show ended,she left.(first the show ended.Then she left.)

to be continued........

18 November 2005 20:52 va me falloir des cours intensifs pour comprende ton post pearl_ smiling smiley
je ne suis qu'en initiation moi, je n'excelle pas encore winking smiley mais merci quand même smiling smiley
je vais essayer de comprendre le maximum...
merci à toi zouhairibnouabisalamsmiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2005 08:54 by khira.
18 November 2005 21:14
sentence # 2 ( wich is similar to our sentence)

When the show ended, she had left.

this is similar in meaning to

By the time the show ended, she had left(First she left. Then the show ended.)

"when i went home, my father had cleaned all the house",

( First my father cleaned the house.Then i went home) this mean exactely:

"When i went home,my father had already cleaned the house".

in this sentence the verb in the independent clause is the past tense, the verb in the dependent clause must be in a past tense as well. The past tenses are the simple past, the past progressive, the past perfect, and the past perfect progressive.

The verb in dependent clause should accurately reflect the temporal relationship of the two clauses.

If the action in the dependent clause occurred before action in the independent clause, the past perfect is usually the most appropriate tense for the dependent clause exemple:

When I arrived home, he had already called.

our sentence has two verb tenses

Simple Past: i went ( infinitive=go simple past=went- past participle=gone)

Past Perfect: had cleaned(clean-cleaned-cleaned)

the form of the past perfect is [HAD] + [PAST PARTICIPLE].

the two verb cited here are "go" which is "irregular" verb and clean which is "regular" verb .to form the simple past of regular verb simply add -ED.However for the irregular verb there is a list and you have to memorise it.

good luck thumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs upthumbs up

18 November 2005 21:37
hi khira,

read the second part of what i wrote . i think it will be much easier for you to unterestand .but truly this sentence is a little confusing and should not be given to a beginner student angry smileyangry smiley

Don't worry!!! you will pass inchaeallahwinking smileywinking smiley
18 November 2005 23:07
merci pour ton aide (enfin thank you very much smiling smiley)
je vais essayer de comprendre tonb second post...
et merci encore une fois smiling smiley
19 November 2005 05:17
jespere que tu sais la diff entre le past perfect et lepresent perfect ?
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
19 November 2005 07:53
alors, le present perfect, c'est have + ed ou p.p
et le passé, c'est had+ed ou p.p?????
bon, j'y go!!! souhaitez moi bonne merci pour tout, j'évitetai le 0 in chaALLAH, gra^ce à vous...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2005 07:54 by khira.
19 November 2005 08:47
I feel so sorry for you trying to sort out all these tenses - it is so difficult isn't it! My school days are long gone but I am trying to remember the same tenses in French - with little success! The best of luck with your studies.
19 November 2005 12:11
mais ce n'est pas grave,lurcher21, d'autre y sont arrivés.winking smiley
bonne chance à toi aussismiling smiley

au fait, je pense avoir réussi mon exam! j'ai juste bloqué sur une traduction.. ça veut dire quoi "the man sexiest ever"???(ici, il s'agit de james bond)
19 November 2005 16:35
alors tu nous diras comment ca sest passé smiling smiley
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
19 November 2005 16:39
le plus sexy de tt les temps .. euh a peu pres comme ca grinning smiley

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
19 November 2005 19:32
oups! j'ai traduit par sexiste!!! quelle nulle!!! heuresement qu'il n'était que dans une phrase!!!!grinning smiley
comme je l'ai dit plus haut, je pense que ça s'est plutôt bien passé (in chaALLAH!)
j'avais des phrases à trous et fallait que je complète avec le bon temps. je devais traduire des phrases vers l'anglais et d'autres vers le français.
ensuite, je devais écrire un paragraphe de 150 mots dire ce que j'ai fait pendant mes vacances d'été en utilisant les temps étudiés smiling smiley
voilasmiling smiley
et merci encore, grace à vous, j'ai évité l'embrouille totalewinking smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2005 12:21 by khira.
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