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famille cherche un permie de travaille en angletaire
2 March 2007 16:11

nous somme une famille(4enfants) marocaines avec citoyennete canadian on veu aller vivre en uk
pour cela nous avons besoins d un permi de travail je sais pas s il ya qqun qui peu ne rendre ce service
ou qui peu nous donner des informations.

merci d avance
29 September 2007 02:50
The most important thing to understand in UK work permits is that in the UK

the employer applies for the work permit and the the work permit is granted for a particular employee.

So you need to find a job first then the employer will apply it for you.

See more here

29 September 2007 12:55
you need to go to job agencies in canada and register with them , some of them advertise international jobs , see which field you have experience then they will send your CV to companies in UK
it is easy for canadian citizens to get jobs and work permit in UK

good luckkkkk
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