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Family neglect or desperation?
29 August 2009 13:08
Some Moroccan families have sent their 10/11 year old sons on rowing boats to Spain with instructions not to reveal their family names. The children are placed with Spanish foster families and educated till age 18 and then allowed to remain in Spain and work. They are then expected to start sending money home to their families, incredibly some of them do. Others don't send anything to the worthless parents who threw them into the sea.
29 August 2009 17:46
Hi thanks for this topic at least its make achange from what's being dealt here !

I believe its ignorance + greed that push these people to throe their own kids to the sea hoping that after few years they will get a rewards ,most of these kids end up taking drugs & live in the streets or in centres were they have no descipline & no one cares for them .............the big issue here that these kids end up take the drugs & crime path & once they are adult they are sent back to Morocco !

Gone the days when we were sending people to study now we end up with trained criminals & no one is taking note & moving a finger !
29 August 2009 18:39
that s horrible
how could they do that to their own childreneye popping smiley
30 August 2009 17:19
These same parents used to send their girls to work as maids/servants. To "ship" them to another country with no return address is terrible. 10/11 year old kids belong with their parents, and nobody else but their parents. Morocco has given up on these kids for so long...It is hearthbreaking.
8 September 2009 18:00
On more or less the same subject, I have written a diary of how my boyfriend's family treated him when he was ill. Go to
9 September 2009 06:28
It's not the same subject. Where is the connection? There is a reason why your blog is mentioned/used on Pipes's website, "who possesses an obsessive hatred of all things Muslim", as he was rightfully referred to by Zogbi.
9 September 2009 11:23
On more or less the same subject, I have written a diary of how my boyfriend's family treated him when he was ill. Go to

i did read your blog whats happened to you is not an isolated case , the psychotic illness is a common problem in most families and the cause is : marwana, hachiche , i have two friends , one was a police officer and an other a solicitor they both lost their jobs because of smoking hachiche , they started to suffer from severe paranoia , hallucinations , in and out of prison
it is like a cancer which destroying young people lives
i think what you need to understand that families and this is talking front what i ve seen with these friends they try and try to help for years and at the end they just give up
fighting addiction to hachiche is a hard task i am sure that your boyfriend family they just had enough , lost hope on him , they couldn t cope anymore it is like running inside a closed circle with no way out

you were very brave and helpful and you went the extra mile with this person but i am sure this problem will never be solved simply because this person still smokes hachiches which triggers the psychotic behaviour also an other thing you need to be aware of that there are cases of sufferers who killed a member of the family because of the paranoia so just be careful you can not cure him , nor could his family after visiting the psychiatrist and taking the tablets it s up to him to understand it s his decision now once he touchs the dope back to square 1

the enemi here is the drug and to fight it even if his family put him on 24 h watch after a short period of time the patient will return to his habbit it s incurable unless the person is locked in an island far from anyone who smokes it , or supplies it

i know a lot of families who tried and tried , everything but at the end and after a brief improvement the person starts smoking again

i can see your point of view that because of his family neglect he detrioriates , but i think you need to see the whole picture , he is an adult , responsible for his actions , i am sure before you become his girlfriend the family seen it all , lived it all (deja vu) , tried and tried with no hope so when you phone them it s a scenario already happened and they gave up , mentally they are drained

this happens even in England because of dope the person becomes psychotic the family tries to help but at the end everyone had to live his or her life and they put the person in psychiatric hospital specially if the person behaviour becomes dangerous

in your case i don t think that his family neglect is the sole responsible of the situation : the problem is the hachiche , lack of means , and sami lack of ability in helping himself and making effort when you offered him help many times , he had many opportunities to get himself better visits to psychiatric clinics and you by his side but his addiction wins at the end

you did your bit , my advise to you get out of this situation for your own safety because as i mentioned before a psychotic paranoid person can become dangerous and there are thousands of cases which did end in tragedy

koutiko : what s religion got to do with it? , psychotic illnesses exist the author of this topic talks about different type of neglect why not just say your point of view without pathetic empty accusations

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2009 11:33 by marocain-09.
10 September 2009 03:26

No need to counter-attack baselessly. Sure, psychotic illness exists; I cannot assert that's what the boyfrined has, he needs to see a psychiatrist. I can hardly explain slight mood swings, so I do not go randomly making diagnoses on mental disorders. My question was What is the connection between the two "more or less same" examples. We are left with the impression that their common denominator is the hearthless moroccan families/mothers (psychopaths). Generalizations based on personal bad experiences are bad in general :-) . Run a simple search on google and see what turns up. Perhaps you would see how this blog has been used on the sites I mentioned. And perhaps you would understand my comment.

10 September 2009 17:55
I do realise that Pipes is anti Muslim/anti Arab and I am sorry now that my blog is on his site. As a Muslim myself, it was never my intention to criticise Muslim families in general. This particular family's behaviour has shocked me and I am curious to know if their lack of empathy and family support has anything to do with upbringing, lack of education, poverty etc.

Thank you for all your thoughtful comments. I should just say however that Sami's family knew nothing about his mental illness until our first trip to Holland in 2007 and thus I was the first person ever to have tried to help him. I wasn't so naive at the beginning that I thought I could produce a miracle - I know it must be incredibly hard to give up an addiction after so many years but I would have appreciated some support, even if only phone calls, from the family.
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