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how to fight migraine
15 June 2009 11:26
most of people get migraine
how do you fight it???Ill
15 June 2009 14:06
plenty water it helps specially in summer Illdehydration may cause itIll
15 June 2009 14:08
oh do u think so
cause i ve had terrible headaches this morning(machkit 3lik)
i took some tabletsIll
15 June 2009 14:17
hi salma

yes water cause the blood circulation to slow down this is why sometimes when you check the sides of your front head it s a bit swollen because the blood started moving in a very slow speed there
an other thing which causes migraine it s bad food combination , my mum was suffering from this all the time , you know in morocco we eat a big meal like tajine with bread and after that we eat fruitNo no
thats really bad habbit bread takes 2 to 3 hours to be digested , but fruit just few minutes , so the bread blokes the way and thats causes pressure on the blood vessels,and all this causes migraine
-drink a lot of water
-eat fruit not after meals but sometimes on their own as a snack
- use of hairdryer can cause migraine if you use the hairdryer just put it on min speed not on max

when you get migraine take two soluble aspirins and just lay down for half an hour closing your eyes it helps Ill

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2009 02:20 by printemps1.
15 June 2009 14:22
thanx for the tip mate i ve heard of my mum back in morocco thata (skinjbir) is good as well
i ll give it a tryByeIll
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