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UK or FRANCE,same topic than yassim9999
30 October 2006 15:50
hi all
this question for people who used to live in france and mouve to uk or other way arround
tell us about your experience and why you did it the reason i am asking i am thinking to do the same mouving back to france,i thinks the uk takes to much taxes and france the rates it s better no? i am quiet lost HELP!!!!

1 November 2006 02:01
I think UK is much more better than france, don't u see french people moving each year to stay on the uk ??
also people from uk are open minded comparing to french people...good luck
1 November 2006 12:36
French people are also open mind, my flok. What's up? there's same thing that annoys you about French people?

Fouza, put a question about tax not about live in both countries ? So, why, this jumping jack?
1 November 2006 18:49
im living in holland,,,i have been many times to france to visite my family over there...if u give me money to live in france,i say no.

holland is much better than france.
1 November 2006 20:39
In what way,SBS?
3 November 2006 00:32
If you are young and have no children, the UK is better and you'd likely pay more taxes in France. But once you want to have a family and offer your children better quality of life, good education and excellent health follow up, go back to France.
I lived in both countries, as a single and as a family with children. Single I was happier in the UK, with family I was happier in France.
6 November 2006 09:19
I'm afraid I would say the UK is better if you need to earn a living or run a business. Yes, there are a lot of people moving from the UK to live in France - we know a lot personally - but you will find that the majority of these are either retired or are living from their own resources. In France, you are taxed even on the lowest of incomes, and the health care is very expensive. I do not think France encourages enterprise at all! If you wish to start any business, there is so much red tape and bureaucracy, and they expect you to pay your first year's cotisations up front, before you even earn one penny! Quality of life? Mmm - that is a difficult one to assess. People have different criteria. Personally, I think our own quality of life is better in France (less stressful) but you could not drag any of our grown up kids away from the UK (with or without children)
6 November 2006 17:44
That's correct rougegorge, it's much much easier to start and run a business in the UK.

But I fail to understand why you think healthcare is expensive in France ? is that because you have to pay first and get refunded later ?
6 November 2006 21:03
hey yall i think dat last 1 was aight cuz it a bit easier to run a biss in uk and its not like fr at all any way ill tell yall my short story i live in us i ve a small job i got like 100 dollar a week which sth cool and great i mean i don really gôt prob at work well after dat i went to fr 4 vaccation so i decided to stay over there i was goin to stay like 1 year or more than i really had difficultie to find a job i did find it but the salery was low i hate it and went back home by the way im moroccan
7 November 2006 14:10
That's correct rougegorge, it's much much easier to start and run a business in the UK.

But I fail to understand why you think healthcare is expensive in France ? is that because you have to pay first and get refunded later ?

In the UK it's free under the National Health Service, regardless of income. (Apart from medicines, which are free for those on low incomes, but everyone else pays a set amount per item (at the moment about £6.50 I think)

Here in France, you pay your cotisations towards the Health system, plus your 35% that the CPAM does NOT pay (or you pay into a Mutuelle, which costs us 1200 euros per year) and even then, not all the costs are covered. I have just had to pay a substantial contribution to recent surgery for costs which are not met either by CPAM or by the Mutuelle.
7 November 2006 16:51
8 November 2006 19:21
NHS is free but one cannot rely on it at all. You have to pay a private insurance if you want to have a descent level of service, that will however not reach the high quality of the CPAM in France.
A simple example: when a woman delivers her baby, she has to leave the hospital on the same day!!!. After that, the baby cannot be seen by a pedetrician ever unless he/she is seriously sick !!! of course you can always pay by yourself a private pedetrician if you wish to, but at a rate of 90 Pounds a session (that can last only 10mn) !!!
9 November 2006 20:55
NHS is free but one cannot rely on it at all. You have to pay a private insurance if you want to have a descent level of service, that will however not reach the high quality of the CPAM in France.
A simple example: when a woman delivers her baby, she has to leave the hospital on the same day!!!. After that, the baby cannot be seen by a pedetrician ever unless he/she is seriously sick !!! of course you can always pay by yourself a private pedetrician if you wish to, but at a rate of 90 Pounds a session (that can last only 10mn) !!!

I'm sorry I cannot agree with this statement at all. My daughter is a radiologist in the NHS - the service the private clients receive is exactly the same as the NHS clients, but with a private room. I agree there are long waiting lists for SOME sorts of minor surgery in SOME areas, but you cannot generalise. It is an excellent, free at point of service, health system. Anyone who is seriously ill, child or adult, will always be seen immediately if taken to the Accident and Emergency department at any hospital, or the after hours GP service.

After birth, the baby is given a thorough check up by a Paediatrician before being discharged with the mother, and believe you me, if there is a hint of a problem the baby will not go home. Have you experienced this kind of problem personally, London2012? (I am surprised, that's all.) I know things can, and do, go wrong in any country. No-one is infallible, UK or France. I recently had surgery in France, which on the whole was excellent and I didn't have to wait long - but there is just something lacking in the care aspect of the nursing staff. BUT I still had to pay a sizeable chunk towards the costs, despite having 100% cover from the UK, plus paying into a Mutuelle in France.

Still, we are on the whole very happy in France!
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