The French never seem to discuss their problems before they strike.
If there is a problem, The Unions sit down and have a negotiation. Even if it takes days and nights,until the very last resort. France seems to be the only country in Europe or the world where people want to retire as soon as they have left nursery school and get one job for a life. The people do not know how to behave and adapt in the worldwide economy.
Country Early retirement age Normal retirement age Austria 60 65 Belgium 60 65 Denmark none 65 France 62 67 Germany 65 67 Greece 57 65 Italy 57 65 Netherlands 60 65 Spain 60 65 Sweden 61 65 Switzerland 63 65 United Kingdom none 65 United States 62 66
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2010 11:12 by Rami.m1970.