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French World Cup Team.......
16 June 2006 00:34
How could the French soccer team in the World Cup look exactly like any other African team, yet, the French Government, the elites, the law makers have near zero African representation?
How’s that possible?
Where are the French/African ministers and policy makers?
Just a thought…
16 June 2006 13:26
16 June 2006 16:18
France is way behind when it comes to the representation of their minorities. Although I'm not sure if it's the lack of will from those minorities or the elitism of the french political landscape, because you don't see many people from the working class either.
Belgium for instance has chosen to incorporate them fully but they did it more to drain votes from the minorities than to really include them in the decision making process. Therefore, parties chose docile candidates, incompetent, Bush-types except for a very few of them. They're props that are taken out during campaigns.
18 June 2006 17:57
the french team reflects exactly the social and political layout of France, you have very talented players coming from foreign minorities, and a stupid french coach. if they decide to twist this the other way around, a skillful leader from foreign oringins and french players, France would become the land of Freedom, Equalty and Fraternity.
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