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From Bad Boy to real Muslim
1 August 2009 07:41
LOON , the hip hop famous singer turned to islam : []

Dedicated to whom who have been born muslim and insult it in their grown age !
2 August 2009 16:42
2 August 2009 18:05
i don t see the point of your post?!
your second sentence is not clear , i think you are talking about members who have different point of view than you
your judgement is not balanced nor accurate if someone has a different opinion than you in any life matter it doesn t mean you are muslim and others worship Hobale or abou lHawle
i was browsing in this forum unfortunately i think you are the extreme wing of islam if this is the way you think Islam needs to be represented and discussed you are doing more harm than good
if any non muslim becomes muslim i think it s thanks to moderate muslims who believe in peace and dialogue

moderate muslims are becoming rare and thats what we should be all aware of

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2009 06:20 by faisal28.
3 August 2009 17:31
3 August 2009 17:45
Oh my God does he has to have that beard to be muslim?
Ok He converted hmself to Islam it was his choice and nobody sentenced him to death by doing so.
Why, when a muslim wants to convert himself to other beliefs he will automatically be sentenced to death?
As we welcome the new muslims we should tolerate the opposite after all, no religion is perfect even Islam.
3 August 2009 18:39
Masha Allah, beautiful beard, Subahn Allah he has noor on his face. May Allah protect him and guide others to Islam, the perfect religion.

And let "moderates" perish.
6 August 2009 17:10
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