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Georgia to send more troops to Iraq
9 March 2007 08:44
Georgia to send more troops to Iraq
President Saakashvili: Next year will be
decisive in terms of stabilising Iraq [AP]
Georgia is to more than double its contingent of soldiers in Iraq to 2,000.

The former Soviet republic's embassy in the US said on Thursday that it would raise the number from the current 850 in an effort to pave the way to joining Nato.

The announcement by Mikhail Saakashvili, Georgia's president, said the country was committing the troops for one year and Georgian officials were consulting with their US and Iraqi counterparts about how the troops would be deployed.

"We understand that the next year will be decisive in terms of stabilising the situation in that country," Saakashvili said in the statement.

"We want to do everything possible to help the Iraqi people and coalition partners bring stability, peace and freedom to Iraq."

David Sikharulidze, the Georgian ambassador to the US, said his government hoped the contribution would boost the country's aspirations for Nato membership.
9 March 2007 10:44
How "sweet" from Georgia to pick up the slack for the british troops packing up their gear or maybe it has something to do with this :


The article says "the bill doesn't say how much money is involved...". No kidding !
9 March 2007 17:18
Uncle Putin is watching how money talks in Georgia.
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