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giving up
30 July 2009 16:37
currently i am doing some computer courses in the local IT college one of the students with me is
89 years old smiling smileyi really admire people who despite the age they still learn start new things and never give up in life
but what i have noticed in morocco my family members for exemple , my grand father only 66 and when i have a conversation with him he feels very old , and gives me the impression that he feels his life is over , after retirement thats it
it s like having enough of this life very pesimistic
does life start after 60 or does it end
when children fly the nest is that mean our eldest have no role to play and nothing to enjoy in life ??

any opinion about old age is welcomed smiling smiley
30 July 2009 18:00
i dont know
everyone has got his point of view i suppose
but to me life dont stop till you die
30 July 2009 21:42
ithink in morocco life is so hard once a person reaches 60 his bones start to ache and feels that life lost it s taste , pensioners in morocco have no where to go , no activity apart sitting morning until evening and few trips to local mosque , no brain activity which adds to the deteriation of their health
in developed countries there are places for older generations , sport activities , gym centers........
i think age is just a number a person needs to live and love life , cherish everyday and take it as a great gift
despite the body getting old if the heart succeeds in keeping young healthy and happy everything will look beautiful in any age Welcome
31 July 2009 11:12
i really admire people who despite the age they still learn start new things and never give up in life


I agree with some of the views expressed in the previous posts. The opportunities for the elderly to learn and enrich their horizons might be rather limited in Morocco. This, however, does not prevent the individual's curiosity and desire to seek out whatever possibilities are within their means. Let's not forget that means have a huge role to play in what leisure one chooses. But that's another debate altogether. For now, here's to never giving up!
31 July 2009 14:12
In Morocco , After reaching 70 years, folks are more interesting to prepare their after life and " esteghfer alah" for all their sine committed along their life. It's for them an occasion to delete the Dounoubs done since they are still a life, and to prepare for the day of resurrection which is more important than anything. Most of Muslims believe that life is only a bridge for the real eternity. I agree with that totally.
2 August 2009 16:34
dont be so pesimistic about life
there are plenty of good things about lifeHeu
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