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the glue sniffers
18 September 2009 11:23

the dark side of our society
18 September 2009 16:47
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street,
tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej wladou mrmying fzen9a , wsla wel ibada Heu
19 September 2009 11:17
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street,
tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej wladou mrmying fzen9a , wsla wel ibada Heu

we have family problems, divorce, drug addicted youth, glue sniffers, single mums, robbers ..... because we have whatup and his followers who keep marketing prostitution democracy, immorality democracy and so on.....thumbs down

we have these symptoms because we have immoral whatup who many times in his previous comments reaffirmed he won’t interfere in his sister or wife's private life because our new democracy teaches us to mind our business.....whistling smiley
our beloved Morocco is screaming because it was betrayed by coward and unfaithful citizens like the mentally disabled and immoral whatup who has no jealousy when the image of Moroccan ladies is hurt overseas.....thumbs down

even one kind of bird i forgot his name get agitated when the female he used to copulate is approached by another male bird but our immoral whatup remain indifferent because he is “dayouth”Are you crazy

its obvious you are sexually frustrated that’s why you’ve been defending prostitution and immorality in our beloved country Morocco through all your comments in this forum.
unfortunately our beloved Morocco will still be screaming till we get rid of whatup and his followersthumbs upgrinning smiley
19 September 2009 21:56
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street,
tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej wladou mrmying fzen9a , wsla wel ibada Heu

we have family problems, divorce, drug addicted youth, glue sniffers, single mums, robbers ..... because we have whatup and his followers who keep marketing prostitution democracy, immorality democracy and so on.....thumbs down

we have these symptoms because we have immoral whatup who many times in his previous comments reaffirmed he won’t interfere in his sister or wife's private life because our new democracy teaches us to mind our business.....whistling smiley
our beloved Morocco is screaming because it was betrayed by coward and unfaithful citizens like the mentally disabled and immoral whatup who has no jealousy when the image of Moroccan ladies is hurt overseas.....thumbs down

even one kind of bird i forgot his name get agitated when the female he used to copulate is approached by another male bird but our immoral whatup remain indifferent because he is “dayouth”Are you crazy

its obvious you are sexually frustrated that’s why you’ve been defending prostitution and immorality in our beloved country Morocco through all your comments in this forum.
unfortunately our beloved Morocco will still be screaming till we get rid of whatup and his followersthumbs upgrinning smiley

[[color=#009999]b]excuse me Mr angry chari3a propagandist ,racist against amazigh people i think the subject here is not an other memeber of this forum , if you are stressed and full of hate it s not here to release your negativity

your comments are not welcomed and all members of this forum have added to their ignored list
so don t waste your time writing patati patata no one is reading what you write

hope you get the message

et passe ton chemin

19 September 2009 22:00
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street,
tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej wladou mrmying fzen9a , wsla wel ibada Heu

unfortunately , nowadays people became so selfish and irresponsible

ana wa min ba3di toufane and the victims are always the children
24 September 2009 04:28
sorry for the late reply. i was on Eid vocation Birthday

i know you ‘re under high blood pressure treatment and if you carry on reading my comments you’ll certainly have a heart attack. good idea to avoid reading my comments as i don’t want to be blamed for any misfortune that may happen to you. in other hand i’m sorry to tell you that i can’t help it as i feel it’s my right to post and comment as any member here. it’s so stupid and arrogant to ask anyone to stop posting because his views, ideology and religion is different from yoursAre you crazy. as a member, you ‘re not respecting “la charte du forum” and thus you may be banned for intimidating Yabi members. i don’t want to alert the moderator because i like your disguising pseudo moreover your peculiar posts and comments give me more inspirationthumbs up.

your comments are not welcomed and all members of this forum have added to their ignored list

crying(Oh please, don’t impose your UN veto on my small poor country. The embargo will have a bad economical impact on my citizensptdr. you talk like if you hold the whole world between your hands whereas you are nothing but an arrogant ignorant schizophrenic person. if you have been holding a sensitive post as a decision maker you should have burn the whole world since long time. luckily you are doing it just on theorical basic. should i inform you dude that i’ve many friends in this forum who share and respect my point of views, so mind to talk about yourself and stop your disgusting lieswinking smiley.

friend, be sure your continuous intimidation we’ll only motivate me to be more active on this forum to tackle issues than affects my country Morocco. i also won’t delay one second to unveil the hidden agenda of some here who are working to demolish every good thing others are trying to fulfillthumbs down. i’m sure you get what i’m talking about dude. just few days ago during the sacred month of Ramadan almost all Moroccan news papers unveiled what they call the interference of European and especially Spanish government in our internal affairs. they are financing groups and individuals to make a big crack in our society. you are aware more than anyone else here about the group of youth who claim belonging to an activist society fighting for individual rights among them the right not to fast and to have meals during the sacred month of Ramadan in public. their case is being carried out in court these days. many of these agents like those belonging to this group are active also in this forum pretending to work for the wellbeing of the country whereas in reality they are fighting its principles for only some coinsthumbs down.

racist against amazigh people

in a previous comment i said i’ve learnt many things from amazigh culture and so on. i also mentioned that there are still good amazigh people who are fighting with all society components for the wellbeing of the country. i only focused on those who betrayed not only the Palestinians by establishing a friendship society with the most murderers people on earth but the whole humanity who are helping innocent Palestinian morally and financially. so crying over spoil milk dude shows really with whom you are siding with. it’s your right to support who you want and it’s my right as well to support who i see they deserve support. so stop terrorizing people and imposing your foreign hidden agenda on them, be sure it won’t work here because everyone here is mature and know from where the shoulder can be eaten. moreover i’ll be following you step by step so be careful of what you say as i won’t delay one second to hammer you whenever need be, ok winking smiley

hope you were able to see the whole picture and understood all the messageWelcome.

latifa rafat’s songs are the most advised for high blood pressure and depressed people.
24 September 2009 04:36
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street,
tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej wladou mrmying fzen9a , wsla wel ibada Heu

unfortunately , nowadays people became so selfish and irresponsible

ana wa min ba3di toufane and the victims are always the children

simply they were guided by the wrong people who are themselves selfish, irresponsible and ignorantwinking smiley.
24 September 2009 10:04
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street,
tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej wladou mrmying fzen9a , wsla wel ibada Heu

we have family problems, divorce, drug addicted youth, glue sniffers, single mums, robbers ..... because we have whatup and his followers who keep marketing prostitution democracy, immorality democracy and so on.....thumbs down

we have these symptoms because we have immoral whatup who many times in his previous comments reaffirmed he won’t interfere in his sister or wife's private life because our new democracy teaches us to mind our business.....whistling smiley
our beloved Morocco is screaming because it was betrayed by coward and unfaithful citizens like the mentally disabled and immoral whatup who has no jealousy when the image of Moroccan ladies is hurt overseas.....thumbs down

even one kind of bird i forgot his name get agitated when the female he used to copulate is approached by another male bird but our immoral whatup remain indifferent because he is “dayouth”Are you crazy

its obvious you are sexually frustrated that’s why you’ve been defending prostitution and immorality in our beloved country Morocco through all your comments in this forum.
unfortunately our beloved Morocco will still be screaming till we get rid of whatup and his followersthumbs upgrinning smiley

[[color=#009999]b]excuse me Mr angry chari3a propagandist ,racist against amazigh people i think the subject here is not an other memeber of this forum , if you are stressed and full of hate it s not here to release your negativity

your comments are not welcomed and all members of this forum have added to their ignored list
so don t waste your time writing patati patata no one is reading what you write

hope you get the message

et passe ton chemin


thumbs upjust ignore the glue terrorist let the raged dog bark until anti terrorist officers knock on his cave door i am sure it won t be long ptdr
25 September 2009 11:43
friend whatup,

you can’t and you will never be able to bring out, highlight and defend your point of views by harassing, cursing and insulting others the crazy way you doNo no. through my previous comments i ask many questions and exposed some facts and you never answered even one except expressing your hatred against religion’s principles and who ever defend it, you should be ashamed confused smiley
here the poster exposed the issue of glue sniffers and i comment about it saying it’s a result of the ill will of some who defend immorality. through your previous posts and comments, you have always defend the right for nudity, prostitution and ill manners saying it’s a personal choice and nobody has the right to interfere in anyone’s private lifemoody smiley
the big question that impose itself is the following: how can you be a fierce defender of immorality and at the same time cry over negative results it ended up withAre you crazy? How can you be at the oven and the mill at the same timeAre you crazy?
1- either you are going to keep quiet and avoid answering this question!
2- or you are going to take the short cut like usual by cursing and insulting (a hopeless way to avoid answering)
3- or you are going to put your broken CD and sing to us your old songs of taliban and terrorist groups. you already know that people who are training, arming and financing taliban and terrorist groups are the same people who are paying you allowances to work out their hidden agenda. so you and taliban and other terrorist groups are from the same bean that has split into twoptdr.

i’m waiting no answer from you, i only want to expose your case to readers who many of them start to suspect your ill will.

Morocco will only be a safe and prosperous country when we’ll be able to get rid of immoral people like youDanseDanseDanse.

25 September 2009 15:03
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street,
tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej wladou mrmying fzen9a , wsla wel ibada Heu

il faut adopter le systeme chinois : criminaliser avoir beaucoup d enfants au Maroc

li frekh bzafe taydrbouhe bkhtya
27 September 2009 17:32
friend whatup,

you can’t and you will never be able to bring out, highlight and defend your point of views by harassing, cursing and insulting others the crazy way you doNo no. through my previous comments i ask many questions and exposed some facts and you never answered even one except expressing your hatred against religion’s principles and who ever defend it, you should be ashamed confused smiley
here the poster exposed the issue of glue sniffers and i comment about it saying it’s a result of the ill will of some who defend immorality. through your previous posts and comments, you have always defend the right for nudity, prostitution and ill manners saying it’s a personal choice and nobody has the right to interfere in anyone’s private lifemoody smiley
the big question that impose itself is the following: how can you be a fierce defender of immorality and at the same time cry over negative results it ended up withAre you crazy? How can you be at the oven and the mill at the same timeAre you crazy?
1- either you are going to keep quiet and avoid answering this question!
2- or you are going to take the short cut like usual by cursing and insulting (a hopeless way to avoid answering)
3- or you are going to put your broken CD and sing to us your old songs of taliban and terrorist groups. you already know that people who are training, arming and financing taliban and terrorist groups are the same people who are paying you allowances to work out their hidden agenda. so you and taliban and other terrorist groups are from the same bean that has split into twoptdr.

i’m waiting no answer from you, i only want to expose your case to readers who many of them start to suspect your ill will.

Morocco will only be a safe and prosperous country when we’ll be able to get rid of immoral people like youDanseDanseDanse.


But Pearview, how do you know that those glue sniffers' parents are not devot muslims themselves? And look where their kids ended up.
28 September 2009 09:22
friend whatup,

you can’t and you will never be able to bring out, highlight and defend your point of views by harassing, cursing and insulting others the crazy way you doNo no. through my previous comments i ask many questions and exposed some facts and you never answered even one except expressing your hatred against religion’s principles and who ever defend it, you should be ashamed confused smiley
here the poster exposed the issue of glue sniffers and i comment about it saying it’s a result of the ill will of some who defend immorality. through your previous posts and comments, you have always defend the right for nudity, prostitution and ill manners saying it’s a personal choice and nobody has the right to interfere in anyone’s private lifemoody smiley
the big question that impose itself is the following: how can you be a fierce defender of immorality and at the same time cry over negative results it ended up withAre you crazy? How can you be at the oven and the mill at the same timeAre you crazy?
1- either you are going to keep quiet and avoid answering this question!
2- or you are going to take the short cut like usual by cursing and insulting (a hopeless way to avoid answering)
3- or you are going to put your broken CD and sing to us your old songs of taliban and terrorist groups. you already know that people who are training, arming and financing taliban and terrorist groups are the same people who are paying you allowances to work out their hidden agenda. so you and taliban and other terrorist groups are from the same bean that has split into twoptdr.

i’m waiting no answer from you, i only want to expose your case to readers who many of them start to suspect your ill will.

Morocco will only be a safe and prosperous country when we’ll be able to get rid of immoral people like youDanseDanseDanse.


But Pearview, how do you know that those glue sniffers' parents are not devot muslims themselves? And look where their kids ended up.

koutiko, how did you conclude that i think devoted Muslims’ children are angels, pious and well educatedOh? as far as i know, i didn’t express any sort of judgment like this.
can you please be more explicit?
28 September 2009 17:52
listen mate you dont need to give us proofs about it
we all know what s heppeningSOS
29 September 2009 05:18
friend whatup,

you can’t and you will never be able to bring out, highlight and defend your point of views by harassing, cursing and insulting others the crazy way you doNo no. through my previous comments i ask many questions and exposed some facts and you never answered even one except expressing your hatred against religion’s principles and who ever defend it, you should be ashamed confused smiley
here the poster exposed the issue of glue sniffers and i comment about it saying it’s a result of the ill will of some who defend immorality. through your previous posts and comments, you have always defend the right for nudity, prostitution and ill manners saying it’s a personal choice and nobody has the right to interfere in anyone’s private lifemoody smiley
the big question that impose itself is the following: how can you be a fierce defender of immorality and at the same time cry over negative results it ended up withAre you crazy? How can you be at the oven and the mill at the same timeAre you crazy?
1- either you are going to keep quiet and avoid answering this question!
2- or you are going to take the short cut like usual by cursing and insulting (a hopeless way to avoid answering)
3- or you are going to put your broken CD and sing to us your old songs of taliban and terrorist groups. you already know that people who are training, arming and financing taliban and terrorist groups are the same people who are paying you allowances to work out their hidden agenda. so you and taliban and other terrorist groups are from the same bean that has split into twoptdr.

i’m waiting no answer from you, i only want to expose your case to readers who many of them start to suspect your ill will.

Morocco will only be a safe and prosperous country when we’ll be able to get rid of immoral people like youDanseDanseDanse.


But Pearview, how do you know that those glue sniffers' parents are not devot muslims themselves? And look where their kids ended up.

koutiko, how did you conclude that i think devoted Muslims’ children are angels, pious and well educatedOh? as far as i know, i didn’t express any sort of judgment like this.
can you please be more explicit?

Well Pearlview, you give the impression that all problems could be solved by religion. Am I wrong?
29 September 2009 15:32
listen mate you dont need to give us proofs about it
we all know what s heppeningSOS

proofs about whatmoody smiley?
what do you know exactlyHeu? what are you referring to? can you please share with us your deep insight knowledgeWelcome?
I’m afraid you won’t be able to make yourself understood if you keep being enigmatic.
29 September 2009 16:10
Well Pearlview, you give the impression that all problems could be solved by religion. Am I wrong?

yes koutiko, you are absolutely wrong.
i never mention or insinuate in any of my comment that religion is the key for all problems or it can solve whatever burning issue is.
if religion can solve everything then there will be no need for Ijtihad which was defined by scholars as “an exercise of one's reasoning to arrive at a logical conclusion on a legal issue done by jurists to deduce a conclusion as to the effectiveness of a legal percept in Islam."
as you know, with the amazing progress in technology, science and life style, people face new problems and need solutions for them. they will turn to religion for consultation and guidance. if they could find no solutions and answers, they turn directly to scholars who are well versed with sources of Islamic law to seek new rulings for these issues.
30 September 2009 05:48
Well Pearlview, you give the impression that all problems could be solved by religion. Am I wrong?

yes koutiko, you are absolutely wrong.
i never mention or insinuate in any of my comment that religion is the key for all problems or it can solve whatever burning issue is.
if religion can solve everything then there will be no need for Ijtihad which was defined by scholars as “an exercise of one's reasoning to arrive at a logical conclusion on a legal issue done by jurists to deduce a conclusion as to the effectiveness of a legal percept in Islam."
as you know, with the amazing progress in technology, science and life style, people face new problems and need solutions for them. they will turn to religion for consultation and guidance. if they could find no solutions and answers, they turn directly to scholars who are well versed with sources of Islamic law to seek new rulings for these issues.

Pearlview, you response doesn't make sense. If you believe you haven't made "any comment that religion is the key for all problems", you just did in your last response. Otherwise, could you clarify the following: "people face new problems and need solutions for them. they will turn to religion for consultation and guidance. if they could find no solutions and answers, they turn directly to scholars who are well versed with sources of Islamic law "

My corollary question to you is: would any religion do or does it have to be Islam?

30 September 2009 09:07
[[color=#FF0000]b]Pearlview, you response doesn't make sense. If you believe you haven't made "any comment that religion is the key for all problems", you just did in your last response. Otherwise, could you clarify the following: "people face new problems and need solutions for them. they will turn to religion for consultation and guidance. if they could find no solutions and answers, they turn directly to scholars who are well versed with sources of Islamic law "[/b][/color]

koutiko, bellow is another formulation of my statement, hopefully this time you will be able to understand the meaning:
"people face new problems and need solutions for them. they will turn to religion for consultation and guidance. if they could find no solutions and answers [[color=#009900]u]within the religion[/u][/color] , they turn directly to scholars who are well versed with sources of Islamic law to seek solutions beyond religion "
koutiko, Ijtihad in simple words is the area in which Islam is silent and one must use one’s common sense and intellect to arrive at an opinion that should be in conformity with the spirit and overall framework of Islam (that’s why scholars should be well versed with sources of Islamic law).
hopefully this time you could realize that the two statements are on different levels.

My corollary question to you is: would any religion do or does it have to be Islam?

[Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things]. Qur'an 2:256
30 September 2009 11:29
I agree with koutiko

Pearlview you are under the impression that you are the only muslim in here , the holder of the absolute truth, the defender of ethics , we are all muslims here and one 0f the tragedies of our century is each individual judge an other individual based on a point of view or a daring question about religion , an outfit , a hair style ...........
no one denies that religion is a good remedy spiritually to give us inner peace, but it s not with religion all social , economic health problems could be solved

in the 17 th and 18 th centuries street children were in Paris , London , new york and other first world cities
i don t think religion was the solution but hard work , building a strong economy , employing people ,
the industrial revolution played a big role and gradually each family guaranteed an income which insured children education and a prosper future

if only we work hard as much as we preach and talksmiling smiley
30 September 2009 13:03
( are the only muslim in here , the holder of the absolute truth, the defender of ethics , we are all muslims here.....)

in many previous posts and comments some treated Islam as the wrong religion, the religion of propaganda, the religion which practice slavery, the religion behind all bloody disasters in this world. since you are a Muslim, why didn’t you react to this real propaganda? don’t you think that a Muslim’s priority is to defend the principle of his religion? or do you think that what was said is true?
unfortunately you are brave and you have the courage only to intimidate people who have jealousy over their religion but you are speechless and weak to confront and argue with people who are fighting and cursing it.

(...religion is a good remedy spiritually....)

I think that religion is not only a spiritual remedy but a way of life. Humanity has passed through numerous periods of guidance, misguidance, integrity, and deviation, from the most primitive age to the heights of civilization. Divine guidance accompanied humanity through all of this, always providing the appropriate solutions and remedies. but as i explained to koutiko because of the amazing progress in all aspects of life, new problems emerged and people couldn’t find solutions to it through religion. That’s why Ijtihad which’s an independent though from religion was set to find alternative keys to different issues.

i don t think religion was the solution but hard work Oheye popping smileymoody smiley

printemps: do you want me to forward to you sources and statements of western think tanks, lecturers, philosophers ..... who admitted that western countries have adopted some Islamic rules to enhance work, productivity or simply what yourself call it "building a strong economy...."

i’m working hard to feed my kids as much as i’m trying to defend my religion, what about you?
1 October 2009 12:14
reading this gave me the impression that islam changed it s name to pearlview
whoever criticized pearlview he automatically say you are criticizing islam
i am going to take the liberty to correct you: you are not working hard nor you are defending your religion you simply being a bad exemple of intolerance, a judgemental ignorant
your idiotic lectures are invisible for me from now on if you are not willing to tolerate other members ideas you better shut up
hope one day you change your nasty attitude

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2009 12:16 by faisal28.
1 October 2009 15:11
first, if you don’t mind, let me ask you gently to cool down. it doesn’t worth all the armada and armour you prepared for megrinning smiley. It’s only a forum and debate friend and not a battle field, so listen:

reading this gave me the impression that islam changed it s name to pearlview

absolutely not, pearlview is just a simple Muslim who is trying to stand against a band of Islam hatred doing their best to tarnish the religion. it’s not only my duty but the duty of every full time Muslimwinking smiley.

whoever criticized pearlview

unfortunately and since i started debating this matter, no one from the people i argued with criticized me. the fact is that they are criticizing and fighting a religion which’s stands hundred of years and still standing against all bloody mercerants. one says Islam is the religion of propaganda, another says Islam is the wrong religion, other person says Islam is behind all backwardness we are living in. another stupid and idiot says the Prophet (pbuh) was sexually frustrated. this is not only a criticism but a media war declared against the religion and 1 billion and 700 million Muslim followers around the world. ask a real Muslim what would be his reaction when his religion is cursed? sorry, i don’t know what is your religion and i don’t care to know about it however i would like to ask you, is it ok with you if someone insult Jesus, Jacob, Christianity or Judaism?

you simply being a bad exemple of intolerance, a judgemental ignorant

according to you and in other to be considered tolerant, a person should close his eyes when his Prophet and his religion is cursed. if any one tries to defend his principles then he is a judgmental ignorant. sorry, i have honor, pride and principles and if you have none its because you don’t deserve anywinking smiley.

your idiotic lectures are invisible for me from now on if you are not willing to tolerate other members ideas you better shut up

my lecture will be invisible because you are not up to it. right now you didn’t discuss anything just empty talk, just blabla.....blabla.....Heu i raised many questions and exposed many views but i didn’t see you answering or discussing any. does it prove anythingperplexe? yes, it proves your neurons are not connected to each other, it proves you are nothing but a madcap with no basic knowledge. You will ignore my lectures because you are ignorant yourself and can’t discuss its contents.
In this case does it worth debating with you?

hope one day you change your nasty attitude

hope one day you will obey the dictates of your own conscience and not to listen to ignorant dictation.

A bon entendeur salamgrinning smiley Welcome Bye.
5 October 2009 08:37
unfortunately and since i started debating this matter, no one from the people i argued with criticized me. the fact is that they are criticizing and fighting a religion which’s stands hundred of years and still standing against all bloody mercerants. one says Islam is the religion of propaganda, another says Islam is the wrong religion, other person says Islam is behind all backwardness we are living in. another stupid and idiot says the Prophet (pbuh) was sexually frustrated. this is not only a criticism but a media war declared against the religion and 1 billion and 700 million Muslim followers around the world.

il est clair que t’as une grosse gueule eye popping smiley grinning smiley
sinon i can see no abuse or defamation from any part hereNo no . are you hallucinating or do i need to get specs? Or did the moderator delete itperplexe?

5 October 2009 11:50
well what i meant was there are plenty of other scary problems than what you ve been talking aboutHeu
6 October 2009 07:47
well what i meant was there are plenty of other scary problems than what you ve been talking aboutHeu

well Mrs, if you think so then let us hear from you. what issues that are scaring you moresmiling smiley?
6 October 2009 07:58
il est clair que t’as une grosse gueule eye popping smiley grinning smiley
sinon i can see no abuse or defamation from any part hereNo no . are you hallucinating or do i need to get specs? Or did the moderator delete itperplexe?


Non pas vraimentgrinning smiley. J’ai la grosse geule seulement quand j’ai affaire avec une bande de charlatan de mauvaise foie qui excel dans la difamation au plus haut niveau. Avoir la grande geule dans ce cas est primordiale sinon “Klak Boubi”winking smiley.

well, no need to bring you back to previous statements. people discussing this topic here know what i’m talking about. it’s just waste of time and then these people i refer to are just working out a agenda of their foreign masters who taught them well how to spread smear campaign. they can never wake up and use their common sense and conscious to find out the truth. it looks like they were shot a hypnotic injection.
if you only give your salam or say BismiAllah or AlhamdoAllah, they already start scratching all over their body because they are supersensitive to religion.
if you try to defend your principles and point of views, they will accuse you of being Wahabiste, a fanatic Muslim with zero tolerance.
if you drop their real mask then you are a terrorist looking for an opportunity to explode innocent people.
if you expose issues and ask frank and direct questions they vanish to their obscure pit like a scared mousse.
you know, i should admit i’m happy with this situation.. it’s great, at least the forum now looks cleaner and no longer immoral statements and vulgar words. but they might come back grinning smiley then i’ll come back too with a hammer to knock their rocky head Grrrr. Oups
6 October 2009 10:34
unfortunately and since i started debating this matter, no one from the people i argued with criticized me. the fact is that they are criticizing and fighting a religion which’s stands hundred of years and still standing against all bloody mercerants. one says Islam is the religion of propaganda, another says Islam is the wrong religion, other person says Islam is behind all backwardness we are living in. another stupid and idiot says the Prophet (pbuh) was sexually frustrated. this is not only a criticism but a media war declared against the religion and 1 billion and 700 million Muslim followers around the world.

il est clair que t’as une grosse gueule eye popping smiley grinning smiley
sinon i can see no abuse or defamation from any part hereNo no . are you hallucinating or do i need to get specs? Or did the moderator delete itperplexe?


la grosse gueule only virtually
there is a publication in the US medical journal(August Issue) which sheds light on this type of behaviour
like an anaerexic flexing the virtual bisep and trisep

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2009 10:35 by faisal28.
7 October 2009 16:09
la grosse gueule only virtually
there is a publication in the US medical journal(August Issue) which sheds light on this type of behaviour
like an anaerexic flexing the virtual bisep and trisep

when the upper ripe and sweet bunch of grapes is out of your reach you content yourself with the lower sour bunchgrinning smiley .
in other words: your so low level only allows you to comment on a silly remarks that add nothing positive to the debate and you still seem struggling to reach the pulp of the applewinking smiley.

you should go back to school and learn the basic knowledge of everythingClap. get out of your obscure pit and do something before it’s late. reading the wrong info you are giving in some of your comments prove you are really living in another world thumbs down
8 October 2009 10:34
i dont understand and your point is?????Heu
8 October 2009 15:32
pelview, you showed no mercyangry smiley. it took me quite sometime to find what you were referring to.
well i don’t have lots of things to say but this:

“ja’a3 al Islamou garibane wa saya3oudou garibane, fatou’ba3 lil goraba3e”

take care
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