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A good book to read
19 March 2007 19:59
Hi Everybody

I need to improve my poor english, but I don't know how!!!

Could you please provide me a good book to read or internet site (With some exercices or articles)

I really want to improve it in order to find a better job

Because I've mentionned on my resume that I've a fluent english, but I don't think so maybe I'm not very confident

Thank you for your help

Much appreciated

Don't forget to let me know if there is an grammatical error on this short message!!!!
20 March 2007 17:29
Hey Sbara!
"you provide someone WITH". another suggestion... try to use commas and periods in the text.
Here are some sites, but there are many more. another way to learn is by reading the newspapers.
29 March 2007 22:18
hello SBARA,
first thing i want to say, is that your English isn't bad. You only need some practice. I agree with what Riffman said. in writing punctuation is very important. For speaking, you can listen to songs and have the lyrics, so that you can understand them. then, try to speak to people in english even if you make mistakes. At the beginning, the most important thing is that the other part gets the message.
You can also wach TV channels (and there so many). Last thing to do, is to read stories. Go to bookshops that sell old books, and you'll find a variety of stories with simple English. Don't forget to have a dictionary with you( english or bilingual). I personally have it with me all the timesmiling smiley.
DON'T be afraid of errors and mistakes, just do it and talk.
GOOD LUCK for your job application(tm)

NB: (if there is an grammatical error on this short message!!!!); it's better to say, if there is any grammatical mistake
3 April 2007 03:08
you gotta do some chatting with people around the world especially english-speaking ones and read everything (well, let's say intersting news and stuff written in english) watch some MBC2/Action movies, or it's better when you watch'em in DVD with subtitles off're the best !
9 April 2007 14:38
try: or
gd lucksmiling smiley
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